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5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs euro-caps?

Author: Steve

May. 06, 2024

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About Euro Cap

We are a UK-based baseball caps manufacturer and stockist. We have one of the largest ranges of stock in the UK that are stored in our Rotherham factory.

Contact us to discuss your requirements of euro-caps. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.


Euro Cap Ltd. was established in 1997 with one simple goal, to produce high-quality, good-price headwear and promotional clothing.


From our origins in Hong Kong to the streets of London, the same ideals still remain. We like to think we are the worldwide family business.


Big enough to supply your demands, small enough to care. Lifestyle, Brand, and Function.


We specialize in screen and digital printing, embroidering, and knitting.


As well as personalized baseball caps, we can customize any other garments that you require. Whether you send in your own garments to be decorated by us or you order garments from our online brochure, you will receive the same high-quality service.

CAP at a glance - European Commission

Aims of the common agricultural policy

Launched in 1962, the EU's common agricultural policy (CAP) is a partnership between agriculture and society, and between Europe and its farmers. It aims to:

  • support farmers and improve agricultural productivity, ensuring a stable supply of affordable food;
  • safeguard European Union farmers to make a reasonable living;
  • help tackle climate change and the sustainable management of natural resources;
  • maintain rural areas and landscapes across the EU;
  • keep the rural economy alive by promoting jobs in farming, agri-food industries, and associated sectors.

The CAP is a common policy for all EU countries. It is managed and funded at the European level from the resources of the EU's budget.

CAP 2023-27

To consolidate the role of European agriculture for the future, the CAP has evolved over the years to meet changing economic circumstances and citizens' requirements and needs.

The CAP 2023-27 entered into force on 1 January 2023. Support for farmers and rural stakeholders across the 27 EU countries is based on the CAP 2023-27 legal framework and the choices detailed in the CAP Strategic Plans, approved by the Commission. The approved Plans are designed to make a significant contribution to the ambitions of the European Green Deal, Farm to Fork Strategy, and Biodiversity Strategy.

Factsheet – a greener and fairer CAP

The CAP in practice

Farming is unlike most other businesses, as the following special considerations apply:

  • despite the importance of food production, farmers' income is around 40% lower compared to non-agricultural income;
  • agriculture depends more on the weather and the climate than many other sectors;
  • there is an inevitable time gap between consumer demand and farmers being able to supply – growing more wheat or producing more milk inevitably takes time.

While being cost-effective, farmers should work in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner, and maintain our soils and biodiversity.

Business uncertainties and the environmental impact of farming justify the significant role that the public sector plays for our farmers. The CAP takes action with the following measures:

  • income support through direct payments ensures income stability and remunerates farmers for environmentally friendly farming and delivering public services not normally paid for by the markets, such as taking care of the countryside;
  • market measures to deal with difficult market situations such as a sudden drop in demand due to a health scare, or a fall in prices as a result of a temporary oversupply on the market;
  • rural development measures with national and regional programs to address the specific needs and challenges facing rural areas.

CAP financing

The level of support for EU farmers from the overall EU budget reflects the many variables involved in ensuring continued access to high-quality food, which includes functions such as income support to farmers, climate change action, and maintaining vibrant rural communities.

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The CAP is financed through two funds as part of the EU budget:

  • the European agricultural guarantee fund (EAGF) provides direct support and funds market measures;
  • the European agricultural fund for rural development (EAFRD) finances rural development.

Payments are managed at the national level by each EU country. Information about the recipients of CAP payments is published by each country, in accordance with EU transparency rules.

Related information

Financing the CAP

EU annual budget life-cycle

EU budget

The benefits of the CAP

The CAP defines the conditions that will allow farmers to fulfill their functions in society in the following ways:

Food production

  • There are around 10 million farms in the EU and 17 million people work regularly in the sector. They provide an impressive variety of abundant, affordable, safe, and good-quality products.
  • The EU is known throughout the world for its food and culinary traditions and is one of the world's leading producers and net exporters of agri-food products. Due to its exceptional agricultural resources, the EU could and should play a key role in ensuring food security for the world at large.

Rural community development

  • Within our countryside and its precious natural resources, there are many jobs linked to farming. Farmers need machinery, buildings, fuel, fertilizers, and healthcare for their animals, also known as 'upstream' sectors.
  • Other people are busy in 'downstream' operations – such as preparing, processing, and packaging food, as well as in food storage, transport, and retail. The farming and food sectors together provide nearly 40 million jobs in the EU.
  • To operate efficiently and remain modern and productive, farmers, upstream and downstream sectors need ready access to the latest information on agricultural issues, farming methods, and market developments. During the period 2014-20, the resources of the CAP were directed towards providing high-speed technologies, improved internet services, and infrastructure to 18 million rural citizens – the equivalent of 6.4% of the EU's rural population.

Environmentally sustainable farming

  • Farmers have a double challenge – to produce food whilst simultaneously protecting nature and safeguarding biodiversity. Using natural resources prudently is essential for our food production and for our quality of life – today, tomorrow, and for future generations.

Key contributors to the CAP

The European Commission regularly consults civil dialogue groups and agricultural committees to best shape law and policies governing agriculture. Expert groups provide input to the European Commission, such as the agricultural market task force on unfair trading practices.

The Commission carries out impact assessments when planning, preparing, and proposing new European legislation, examining a need for EU action and the possible impacts of available solutions. They are a key part of the EU's better regulation agenda. Impact assessments for agriculture and rural development took place in 2003 (mid-term review), 2008 (health check – SEC(2008) 1885), 2011 (CAP towards 2020 – SEC(2011) 1153 final), and 2018 (support for strategic plans post 2020 – SWD(2018) 301 final).

The EU's Court of Auditors also plays a major role in supervising expenditure in agriculture.

The Commission regularly publishes public opinion reports (also called Eurobarometer) on Europeans' views on agriculture and the CAP. The Eurobarometer surveys, run in all EU countries, provide valuable information on citizens' perception of the CAP. This includes awareness of the support provided through the CAP, its performance, quality matters, environment, the importance of the CAP, and much more.

Evaluation of the CAP

Evaluation of the CAP 2023-27

In line with its transparency and monitoring requirements, the Commission put together an online dashboard presenting the targets set at the national level by each EU country in its approved CAP Strategic Plan.

The CAP legislation includes 44 "result indicators", linked to specific objectives. Not all 44 targets need to be included in each CAP Strategic Plan. Targets take into account the needs and the planned measures decided at the national level.

Evaluation of the CAP 2014-20

The Commission assesses the CAP through the common monitoring and evaluation framework (CMEF).

The aim of the CMEF is to demonstrate the achievements of the CAP during the 2014-20 period and improve its efficiency through CAP indicators.

The legal basis for the common agricultural policy is established in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

The CAP 2023-27 is covered by three regulations, which generally apply since 1 January 2023:

  • Regulation (EU) 2021/2116, repealing Regulation (EU) 1306/2013 on the financing, management, and monitoring of the CAP;
  • Regulation (EU) 2021/2115, establishing rules on support for national CAP strategic plans, and repealing Regulations (EU) 1305/2013 and 1307/2013;
  • Regulation (EU) 2021/2117, amending Regulation (EU) 1308/2013 on the common organization of the agricultural markets; Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012 on quality schemes for agricultural products; Regulation (EU) No 251/2014 on geographical indications for aromatized wine products; and Regulation (EU) No 228/2013 laying down measures for agriculture in the outermost regions of the EU.

The following four regulations set out the different elements of the CAP 2014-20:

For the years 2021-22, a transitional regulation (Regulation (EU) 2020/2220) was in force. The regulation laid down conditions for the provision of support from the EAGF and EAFRD during these years, extending and amending provisions set out in the preceding regulations. It remained in force until the new CAP began.

The CAP is managed by the Commission's department for agriculture and rural development. It can adopt delegated and implementing acts to implement the common agricultural policy.

Related information

Directory of legislation in force

EU's law-making process explained

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