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FAQ About Ozonated Water for Farms, Hydroponics, and ...

Author: May

May. 06, 2024

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FAQ About Ozonated Water for Farms, Hydroponics, and ...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Ozonated Water for Farms, Hydroponics, and Growers

Are you interested in learning more about agriculture ozone generator? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!

1. What is ozonated water, and how is it produced?

Ozonated water is simply water infused with ozone gas (O3), a process achieved by passing oxygen through an ozone generator and dissolving it into water.

2. Why is ozonated water used in agriculture?

Ozonated water serves as a potent disinfectant and sterilizer. It effectively manages pathogens, enhances water quality, and promotes plant health, leading to improved crop yields. Interested in enhancing your crop yields with ozonated water? Contact us for personalized solutions.

3. How does ozonated water control pathogens in agricultural systems?

Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent that effectively eliminates harmful microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi from water. It achieves this by disrupting their cell walls and metabolic processes, significantly reducing the risk of crop diseases.

4. Can traditional pesticides and fungicides be replaced by ozonated water?

While ozonated water can reduce the need for chemical treatments, it is not a complete replacement for all pesticides and fungicides. Its use should be integrated into an overall pest and disease management strategy. Want to explore a more sustainable approach to crop protection? Learn how ozonated water can fit into your strategy by contacting our experts.

5. Is ozonated water safe for plants?

Ozonated water is generally safe for plants and the environment when used correctly. However, excessive ozone exposure can damage plant tissues and roots. It is important to note that all materials in contact with ozone must be ozone-resistant to avoid any negative effects. Reach out to us for guidance on safe and efficient ozonated water usage in your farming operations.

6. How can growers safely use ozonated water in their operations?

Growers should follow manufacturer guidelines for ozone generators and water treatment equipment. Proper training and monitoring are essential to ensure safe and effective use of ozonated water. Ensure the safety and success of your ozonated water application with our expert training and support. Contact us for details.

7. Does ozonated water improve plant growth and yield?

Several studies and industrial experiences demonstrate that ozone-treated water can enhance plant growth by increasing oxygen availability to the roots and improving nutrient uptake. However, results may vary depending on specific conditions and plant types.

8. Can ozonate water be used with any crops or hydroponic systems?

Ozonated water can be used with various crops and hydroponic setups. However, it’s essential to consider factors such as crop sensitivity to ozone and the specific requirements of different hydroponic systems. Discover how ozonated water can benefit your specific crops and hydroponic systems. Contact us for a customized consultation.

9. How often should growers use ozonated water in irrigation or hydroponic systems?

The frequency of ozonated water application depends on factors like pathogen contamination, water quality, and crop type. Consult with us for your specific situation. Get personalized recommendations for optimizing your ozonated water application schedule. Reach out to our experts for guidance.

10. Are there any regulatory considerations for using ozonated water in agriculture?

Regulations related to ozonated water use in agriculture may vary by region. Growers must research and comply with local regulations and guidelines governing water treatment and agricultural practices. Stay compliant with local regulations and ensure the responsible use of ozonated water.

Answering Frequently Asked Questions About Ozone ...

[Updated July 29, 2022]

Since 2020, Airthereal ozone generator units have been in high demand as businesses, medical facilities, transportation services, and more are eager to deep clean and disinfect their spaces. Ozone generators assist with sterilizing surfaces and removing odors, viruses, bacteria, and other contaminants.

In this post, we address many questions and concerns that customers have had about using an ozone generator, especially during times when respiratory illnesses have been on the rise.

General Use FAQs

Q: What is ozone and how exactly does an ozone generator work?

A: Ozone (O3) is a potent sterilizer. When odors, bacteria, viruses, or molds encounter ozone, oxidation reactions occur, leading to the destruction of both ozone and the contaminants. Ozone then reverts back to oxygen. Although exposure to high concentrations of ozone can be harmful to humans and pets, it does not linger in the air for long.

Remember to open doors or windows to allow ventilation for at least 30 minutes after use or utilize your air conditioning system to assist with ventilation if using it in an enclosed space like a basement. It can sterilize your AC system as well.

Note: Ozone can adversely affect indoor plants and damage materials such as rubber, electrical wire coatings, fabrics, and artwork containing susceptible dyes and pigments. During oxidation, some polymer groups may experience negative effects, such as PU plastics oxidizing and turning yellow.

Q: How do I go about using ozone generators in my cleaning or disinfection process?

A: Step 1 - Clean up first: Before ozone treatments, clean the area to remove the source of the odors. Close windows and doors. Ensure no people, plants, or pets are in the room.

Step 2 - Use the timer: It is highly recommended to set the timer and leave the room. Treatment time can be adjusted based on room size and air quality. If unsure, start with a 15-minute session and increase the duration or frequency as necessary.

Step 3 - Use in Unoccupied space ONLY: Exposure to high concentrations of ozone can be harmful. Please stay outside the room being treated with ozone. We include a NO ENTRY sign in the package as a gift, which can be hung outside the door.

Step 4 - Repeat ozone treatments (as needed): You can schedule an ozone treatment whenever necessary by repeating the previous steps.

Ozone Treatment Guide*







50 ft² / 5 m²

4 min

2 min

Once a week


100 ft² / 10 m²

7 min

5 min

Twice a week


200 ft² / 20 m²

15 min

10 min

Twice a week


300 ft² / 30 m²

30 min

15 min

Once a week

Living Room

500 ft² / 50 m²

45 min

30 min

Once a week


600 ft² / 60 m²

60 min

40 min

Twice a week




MA10K-PRO Smart


Car Kitchen


0-200 sq. ft.

2 g/h

1 hour

2 g/h

1 hour

Once a week

Boat Garage


200-500 sq. ft.

4 g/h

1 hour

4 g/h

1 hour

Once a week

Living room

Office Bar

500-1,000 sq. ft.

6 g/h

2 hours

6 g/h

2 hours

Once a week

Pet Clinic

Dining hall

1,000-2,000 sq. ft.

8 g/h

2 hours

8 g/h

2 hours

Once a week



2,000+ sq. ft.

10 g/h

2 hours

10 g/h

2 hours

Once a week

*For reference only. Other variables may factor in the length of ozone treatments per space. For specifics on units by space, please see our ozone generator buying guide.

Q: Will the unit help with mold reduction?

A: If the mold in question is visible on surfaces, the ozone generator will kill the visible mold on surfaces as well as spores in the air. After repeated uses, mold will change color (gray to white) and you can then clean it off with bleach.

If mold is behind walls or underneath surfaces, it won’t be exposed to enough ozone to be eliminated. You'll need to remove non-visible mold to eradicate it permanently. If you can’t easily remove non-visible mold, periodic ozone use can kill spores in the air as they form, preventing mold growth elsewhere. If your space is very humid or damp, mold will likely form regularly, requiring regular ozone treatments to kill airborne spores.

Q: How long do the ozone generator plates last?

A: With proper maintenance, ozone plates can last for years (between 5,000 and 20,000 hours of run time). Replace the plate when the blue light is weaker and dimmer than usual and the ozone smell is diminished post-use. Clean or change the ozone plates if the output is weak. Environmental factors affect the duration of ozone output. Store the unit in a cool, dry space when not in use.

Q: Can I set my ozone generator to run while I’m gone?

A: Rooms MUST be unoccupied when the ozone generator is on and running. Our units come with user-friendly timers (some with dials, some without). The timer can be set for up to 120 minutes or use the “HOLD” mode to keep it on. Set the timer before leaving the room, ensuring no people or pets are present. Treatment times range from 10 to 60 minutes depending on the space size.

With our Smart Ozone Generator with App Control via Wi-Fi, managing ozone output from outside the home or office is easier, minimizing exposure risk.

Q: Once I have my ozone generator, how do I maintain it and keep it in its best condition?

A: Maintenance is simple! 1. Remove and wash the pre-filter when it gets dusty and reinsert it completely dry. 2. Store the unit in a cool, dry space when not in use. 3. Replace the ozone plate after about 5 years or 20,000 hours. If the blue light is noticeably weaker or only part of the plate glows during operation, or if the ozone smell is reduced, it’s time for a replacement. Ozone plate replacements are available on Amazon and our website.

Q: Does ozone affect plastic?

A: Due to ozone's strong oxidizing properties, plastics exposed to ozone can break down and fade. Pollution, extreme heat, chemicals, and salts also contribute to deterioration. Tips to reduce damage: 1. Shorten treatment times to 10-15 minutes and increase frequency. Several shorter treatments are more effective and less harmful than one long cycle. 2. Remove or cover plastic items during treatment if they can't be removed.

Q: How do I use an ozone generator in my car or truck?

A: For wired units, use an extension cord connected to a properly grounded outlet. Fully charged portable units like the PA1K-GO can be placed directly in the vehicle and turned on. Your vehicle's AC system can accumulate bacteria and dust; shorter 10-15 minute ozone treatments per session are recommended. Use the AC's recirculation mode during treatment and fresh air mode after to aid ventilation. Frequent, short treatments are better for odor removal than infrequent, long ones. Rubber, plastic, and upholstery might degrade with treatment; however, short-duration treatments should minimize long-term damage.

Q: How do I use the ozone generator in my basement?

A: Customers have shared that ozone helps eliminate musty smells and prevent mold and mildew buildup in basements. Some tips: 1. Eliminate the odor source. 2. Dry the space using a dehumidifier or fan. 3. Run the ozone generator. If possible, turn on the air conditioning to pull ozone into the HVAC ducts for sterilization. 4. Allow the basement to air out for at least 30 minutes with open windows or up to 4 hours for enclosed basements. Block HVAC vents temporarily if needed to avoid strong ozone smells in occupied areas. Small amounts of ozone will not have long-term health effects, but continued exposure might irritate the nose and throat.

Q: When using the AH1000 water ozone generator for air purification, should the tube/stone be attached?

A: For air purification, the tube doesn't need to be attached. Press the Power button to turn on the unit and use the + - buttons to choose the operating time. Ozone will be emitted directly through the air outlet. After the timer countdown is complete, the display will show 00, and the ozone will stop generating while the air pump will run for an additional 30 seconds.

Q: Does the Water Ozone Generator produce free metal oxides while working?

A: This depends on the water source. The ozone generator produces ozone to oxidize materials in the water for purification. If there is metal in the water, metal oxides may appear.

Q: Do the different shaped stones have different applications? How long can you use each stone? Are those stones sold separately?

A: The stones are made of the same material, and any one of them can be used based on the amount of water being treated. Typically, it treats an 8oz glass of water for 10-15 minutes. You can click here to purchase the stones: https://airthereal.com/products/ah1000-replacement

Q: Can it filter the water?

A: This system does not filter water or air but produces ozone via electricity, working like a bubble stone in a fish tank. It dispenses ozone into liquids without physical filtration.

Q: Can I drink the water after 10-15 minutes of ozone treatment


