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5 Important Tips for Air Compressor Maintenance

Author: Liang

Jun. 10, 2024

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5 Important Tips for Air Compressor Maintenance

As with any piece of equipment, a strong maintenance program for your air compressors will ensure a longer life, optimal performance, and happier rental customers. Not only that, but properly caring for them will maximize the time they&#;re available to rent and earn you money. 

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Fortunately for rental business owners and fleet managers, these power rental staples don&#;t require a lot of expensive upkeep or time-consuming fixes. However, because of that, it can be easy to forget or neglect them, which makes for a costly oversight in the long run.  

On top of being proactive and committing to a program, it&#;s important to educate yourself about the maintenance cycles of each unit. As I learned writing this article, every manufacturer is different in maintenance requirements, and every job, rental company, and machine is unique. Listen to your customers about potential issues and train your staff to recognize those problems as well. And make sure to document the service history of each unit in your fleet.  

Just ask Tehran Browne, product engineer, Mobilair, Kaeser Compressors, how important proper maintenance can be: &#;We recently identified a unit with 26,547 operating hours, and the primary reason that the unit is still running today is that the owner follows a strict maintenance schedule for all serviceable parts for the engine and compressor.&#; 

A rental opportunity can occur at any time, so it&#;s imperative that your compressors are operable and ready for delivery as soon as a request comes in. Therefore, developing and following a regimented maintenance routine will help you and your business get the most out of your air compressors.  

Here are some of the top tips for maintaining your air compressors:  

Tip #1: Read the owner&#;s manual. Reading the owner&#;s manual is step number one and the most important. Air compressors differ significantly from model to model, so checking the manual first will make sure you&#;re maintaining it properly for that distinct model&#;s specifications and factory maintenance intervals.  

Jenny ProductsThe manual will detail simple tips that will help you get a longer life out of your compressor and will highlight important steps that you might not have known about otherwise. And, as we mentioned, it will talk about specific time intervals where maintenance items need to take place accordingly in order to avoid costly equipment failures or breakdowns.  

While some may think they&#;re smarter than the manual, it&#;s safe to say that your equipment&#;s future will be better off if you take the time to read it. Bryan McCarron, Mi-T-M Air Compressor Division manager, says, &#;Proper maintenance extends equipment life, reduces unexpected breakdowns, and improves resale value. Good running equipment provides the customer a good experience.&#;  

Tip #2: Daily Pre-Checks. Checking your equipment every day will help you avoid costly equipment failures or lost rentals. It&#;s important to thoroughly check returned equipment for any damage that might have occurred, and you should always doublecheck the in/out process for equipment. When it comes to daily pre-checks, rental owners should do things like check hoses for kinks, inspect electrical wiring for cuts and fraying, examine tubing and piping for damage, and make sure connections are tight. Then, look over controls, gauges, accessories and instruments, making certain there are no loose mountings or damage. 

&#;Before each compressor goes out, rental centers should run through their list of basic maintenance checks to ensure the unit isn&#;t returned as nonfunctional, resulting in a lost day&#;s rental,&#; says Dan Leiss, president of Jenny Products. &#;These preventative maintenance checks only take a few minutes, but they can add months or years to the service life of a machine.&#; 

Tip #3: Check Oil Levels. Like your car, many air compressor models feature oil and either a dipstick or an indicator (like a sight gauge) to monitor its levels. And, according to Kaeser&#;s Browne, compressor oil is extremely important to the function of the compressor.  

&#;Compressor oil lubricates the rotors, seals the rotors to prevent air leakage, and removes heat from the air. One underrated quality of compressor oil is that oil is also responsible for cleaning the air of dust and particulates that make it past the air filter,&#; he says.  

Compressor oil should be checked daily, prior to operation, in order to ensure it is topped off and clean. You should be changing the oil completely if it&#;s contaminated or on an annual basis to ensure maximum functioning. But it&#;s critical for renters or your fleet manager to use the compressor oil specified in the service manual. Browne says, &#;Compressors are designed with a specific type of oil in mind in regards to heat absorption, and incorrect compressor oil can lead to overheating or potential damage to the compressor rotors.&#; 

Boss Industries has a specifically designed oil called Shieldworks AW that Chuck Hamilton, director of marketing/military sales, Boss Industries, says is unlike any other product. &#;It's designed to NOT separate the oil and water, but mix it together to move down stream to the filters plus still keep lubrication to the system. Other oils will block the lubrication properties when mixed with water thus creating failures,&#; he says.  

It&#;s also important to use lubricants with the correct viscosity. A high lubricant viscosity might prevent the compressor from coming up to speed fast enough or at all.  

Jenny ProductsHigh oil consumption is another potential problem. Leiss says, &#;This could be caused by a light duty cycle, damaged piston rings or excessive end gap, or a plugged oil crankcase vent. If the compressor becomes excessively hot, check the inlet filter and discharge line filter for dirt and ensure the lubricant level and type are correct.&#;  

A tip from Kaeser's Browne about other fluids: Check the engine oil, coolant, and fuel levels as well as the air inlet filters and fuel water separator. A clogged air inlet filter can lower efficiency and increase operating temperatures. If the filter is lightly contaminated, you can blow it off. If it&#;s deeply contaminated or hasn&#;t been changed in the last year, replace it. The fuel water separator and fuel filters ensure clean fuel is delivered to the engine. If fuel has too much water, it can wear off the lubricants on the fuel injectors. Contaminants can cause wear and tear on the engine and compressor components. So, making sure the compressor has the cleanest fuel possible will keep it running the most efficiently and will prevent unnecessary engine and compressor failures. 

Tip #4: Inspect Air Filter. The air we breathe contains millions of particles of dirt, dust, and other contaminants. These pollutants can become a problem for air compressors, causing valve malfunctions, obstruct lines, or inflict unnecessary wear and tear.  

A filthy air filter ultimately hurts the compressor and forces it to work harder than it needs to, decreasing energy efficiency. Therefore, it&#;s imperative to inspect, monitor, and change air filters. They should be checked for excessive grime buildup every week, changing filters per manufacturer recommendations. This can be every six weeks or 1,000 to 2,000 operating hours depending on the model. Environment will also play a factor in this, as depending on the climate, air filters may need to be changed at higher frequency than what&#;s listed in the maintenance schedule. &#;In high moisture or humid conditions, service might be required more often,&#; says Hamilton.  

This step also ties back to our last tip about compressor oil. Browne says that maintaining quality compressor oil means users should be aware of the conditions of the compressor air intake filters, as well. Therefore, checking air filters and using correct compressor oil are both pivotal steps to proper maintenance of the compressor. 

A tip from Jenny Products&#; Leiss about air filters: Install the correct type of air filter for the day&#;s work. A standard filter will trap dust particles based on micron size, while a coalescing filter will remove water and oil from the air. For an application like spraying paint, an air dryer should be used with the coalescing filter, so all moisture is removed from the lines. On the other hand, some tools function better with some moisture. When using a nail gun, for example, an operator may want to add oil to the line with a lubricator. 

Tip #5: Drain Moisture from the Tank. Air compressors have a receiver tank, which is responsible for collecting the moisture from the air that accumulates while the compressor is in use. Most tanks have a valve or two for draining this moisture, and your maintenance program should include draining them every day.  

Jenny Products&#; Leiss says, &#;At the end of each day, if not more frequently, drain condensation from the air tanks. Begin by disconnecting the power source. If the unit is portable, move it into an inclined position with the drain at the lowest point. Slowly open the drain and bleed the air from the tank(s). When the pressure drops to 10 psi, the valves can be fully opened, and the tank(s) drained. The condensate may contain oil, so it should be collected and disposed of properly.&#; 

The key to this step is to open the compressor&#;s release valve(s) slowly. Opening them carefully helps to prevent scale, rust, or debris from being expelled at a high rate of speed.  

Other important maintenance items for your air compressors include:  

  • Inspect

     the belt guard and ensur


     proper belt tensioning.

  • Listen for unusual noises or 


  • Tighten all fasteners

     and bolts.

  • Check hoses regularly

     and watch for leaks.

  • Test the safety shutdown system.

  • Clean the fuel tank.

    For more inline moisture filter for air compressorinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

  • Clean the heat exchangers.

  • Check vibration pads.

  • Check operation of system controls.

  • Test release valves.

As you can tell, serviceability is an important factor for equipment. Manufacturers like Sullair are working to make that easier for rental businesses, as uptime and utilization are critical metrics for the industry. &#;Some portable air compressors, like the Sullair 375, now include access (doors) on all four sides of the compressor. This allows a technician ample space to work on the machine and quickly and easily access every component,&#; says Navendu (Nav) Sharma, director of product management, Sullair. 

Some compressor models feature electronic controllers that alert users when maintenance is needed. For example, all 185 cfm and larger Mobilair compressors come equipped with electronic controllers that provide the user with fault messages and service interval reminders for each maintenance item (oil, filters, etc.). The controller will also display battery voltage and fuel level, too. Make sure to check your compressor&#;s electronic controller for any service-related warnings and address them as needed before renting the compressor to your next customer.  

Also, make sure you&#;re maintaining appropriate battery voltage. Low voltage can lead to unexpected errors on an electronic controller. On units without one, low voltage can prevent the unit from starting, which isn&#;t a good look. According to Sharma, Sullair compressors include a battery disconnect to help ensure that battery drain does not occur when the machine is in between jobs or not in use.   

With newer technologies and the digital age of smartphones being more prevalent on jobsites, some companies have turned to QR codes to help with maintenance. For example, Mi-T-M places a QR code on each unit, which will direct the user to the owner&#;s manual for easier reference to service and maintenance questions.  

Performing routine checks, tests, cleanings, and adjustments will help keep your air compressor running smoothly. And a strong preventative maintenance schedule might be the difference between a successful rental or a costly fix. As Mi-T-M's McCarron says, &#;Equipment is the life blood of the business; keeping equipment rental ready is essential.&#; 

Air Compressor Maintenance Checklist

Maintenance checklists are an essential component of any facility&#;s maintenance regimen. Air conditioning checklists, air compressor checklists, and HVAC maintenance checklists are all excellent examples of this. Regular air compressor maintenance is essential for ensuring a smooth-running compressed air system. A comprehensive air compressor maintenance checklist is key to securing an efficient and effective air compressor system. This guide will outline the steps for proper air compressor maintenance and provide helpful advice on building your facility&#;s air compressor maintenance checklist.

Understanding the Basics

As with the challenges with air conditioning units, neglecting the routine maintenance of air compressors can lead to clogged air filters, sluggish operation, and air pressure loss. A well-planned air compressor maintenance routine is essential for ensuring effective performance and the long life of your organization&#;s air compressor systems. 

Importance of Air Compressor Maintenance

An air compressor maintenance checklist ensures consistent air compressor upkeep. Routine air filter maintenance ensures your unit operates safely and effectively, reducing the chance of breakdowns, which helps minimize downtime overall.

Components of Air Compressor

Air compressors are complex devices that contain many parts working together. Except for tankless air compressors &#; which don&#;t have a tank &#; air compressors typically contain these key components.

Filters: Air filters keep contaminants from entering the airflow. Oil filters prevent lubricants from being introduced into the airline, and panel filters protect electronic controls. Look at ServiceChannel&#;s air filter maintenance checklist for additional guidance on air filter upkeep.

Pump: A motor drives a pump to draw in air from outside and force it into the airflow system.

Valves: A check valve allows air flow in only one direction. Many tank air compressors also possess a drain valve to help expel fluids from the air compressor system.

Pressure switch: This internal switch ensures the tank doesn&#;t overfill and activates the air compressor pump when the internal tank pressure drops below its ability to provide air.

Tank: A tank air compressor has a tank containing compressed air. 

Air Compressor Maintenance Checklist

An air compressor maintenance schedule typically involves daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly or annual air compressor maintenance tasks. The longer the interval, the more formal the maintenance tasks will tend to be. It&#;s important to perform all scheduled maintenance tasks on air compressors to reduce the likelihood of breakdowns and safety hazards.

Daily Maintenance Tasks

Check oil levels, drain moisture buildup, and examine air compressors for leaks every day or with every use.

Weekly Maintenance Tasks

Each week, clean the air compressor intake and check the valves. Check the drive belts&#; condition and ensure that motor bearings are properly lubricated.

Monthly Maintenance Tasks

Change air compressor oil filters every month and analyze oil samples. Examine the air compressor&#;s coupler and shaft seals to reduce the potential for air leaks.

Quarterly and Annual Maintenance Tasks

Each quarter, change out the oil/water separators on air compressors. Inspect check valves and conduct thorough overall system checks. If you don&#;t attend to these air compressor maintenance tasks each quarter, they must be performed at least once a year. 

Best Practices for Air Compressor Maintenance

Incorporating these practices into an air compressor maintenance routine helps ensure a long lifecycle and a reliable air compressor system.

Schedule Professional Inspections

Regularly scheduled professional air compressor inspections dramatically improve the chances of catching hard-to-spot issues. Call in qualified technicians to perform advanced maintenance and complex repairs on air compressors.

Ensure Proper Lubrication

Inspect and manually check bearings and other moving air compressor parts for proper lubrication to reduce friction and heat.

Conduct Routine Inspections

Regularly look over air compressors to identify issues. Note any discoveries, such as air leaks in pressure relief valves, worn-out hoses, and signs of equipment damage.

Preventative Maintenance

Perform routine air compressor preventive maintenance. Replace dirty filters and worn parts, and inspect and test the compressed air systems for any potential issues.

Leverage Asset Management Systems

Asset management software systems enable you to set reminders and streamline air compressor maintenance tracking.

Implementing an Air Compressor Maintenance Plan

Establish a preventative maintenance strategy and develop a planned maintenance guide. Businesses can ensure air compressor longevity and optimal performance by implementing an equipment maintenance plan. Include these elements in your air compressor maintenance plan.

1. Evaluate Air Compressor Systems

Inspect and test all air compressor systems to assess their current condition.

2. Define Maintenance Goals

Determine all air compressor maintenance goals for your organization. Such goals might include reducing downtime, extending the air compressor&#;s lifespan, and improving the efficiency of your air compressors.

3. Craft a Maintenance Schedule

Establish how often you will perform each air compressor maintenance task. Break maintenance schedules up by daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly/annual responsibilities. Determine which personnel will perform each task and assign them appropriately.

4. Use a Monitoring System

Determine key performance indicators (KPIs), such as temperature, pressure, and energy consumption. Establish optimal ranges for each and monitor air compressor systems to ensure they operate within established parameters. 

5. Document and Analyze Data

A potent software solution such as ServiceChannel is an ideal tool for collecting and analyzing data from industrial air compressor systems. Such software can assess information and identify trends, recurring issues, and areas for optimization, from gauging oil filter efficiency to detecting intermittent compressed air flow disruptions.

The Benefits of Regular Air Compressor Maintenance

Regular air compressor preventive maintenance offers several advantages. Adhering to an effective plan improves equipment performance, ensures compliance with industry regulations, and provides a safer working environment. 

Extended Lifespan

Regularly performing preventative maintenance dramatically reduces wear and tear damage, extending the longevity of air compressors. 

Reduced Downtime

Diligent preventive maintenance helps reduce breakdowns and resulting operational downtime by addressing issues before they can lead to major disruptions in production.


Proper maintenance ensures safety and cost-effective operation. Air compressors run more smoothly, reducing hazards and lowering annual energy costs because equipment doesn&#;t have to work as hard.

Cool, Calm, Compressor: Unleash Proper Maintenance with ServiceChannel

Incorporate these maintenance practices into your business operations and enjoy the benefits of a smooth operation. A robust facility management software solution like ServiceChannel can streamline your maintenance program with powerful analytic, monitoring, and scheduling capabilities. Look into the ServiceChannel platform and schedule your demo today.

Contact us to discuss your requirements of air compressor dryers for sale. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.


