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Column formwork: step-by-step installation instructions

Author: victor

Nov. 27, 2024

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Column formwork: step-by-step installation instructions

Column formwork is a mandatory procedure that is performed before installing a rectangular pillar. Without it, the installation may be inaccurate and result in the column not being level enough. Below we will tell you about what columns are and about the phased method of their formwork.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Zolo.

Column views

With the help of formworks, column parameters are formed. Structural differences in the final result are determined by the type of work carried out. In some cases, formwork is installed for columns of a certain size, and sometimes for universal ones. Depending on the size of the element, care should be taken to use a sufficient number of additional shields.

It is important to remember that for universal formwork, panels with clearances for the kingpin (5 cm per step) are required. In the case of a fixed installation, the column is fixed using corner elements (the number depends on the number of faces on the future structure).

Regardless of whether the columns perform decorative functions or serve as supports, they are divided by shape and appearance into:

  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • polygonal;
  • round;
  • oval.

In the framework of one project, columns of any one form are most often used.

Formwork purpose and product requirements

Column formwork is needed when you need to create a support around a building element. It is obvious that it is almost impossible to do this without backup. In addition, such molding helps to create the necessary geometry: square, oval, etc.

In order for the column formwork procedure to proceed correctly and give a good result, a number of requirements must be observed:

  • Compliance with the dimensions of the structure.

The slightest deviation from the dimension will lead to a lower strength of the final building.

  • Geometric precision.

If the product is installed crookedly at an angle or unevenly centered, then this will negatively affect the reliability of the construction and, from a technical point of view, will be considered incorrect.

  • Creating a dense shape.

In order for the casting to be successful, it is necessary that the concrete completely fills the formwork. If it is installed incorrectly, the mixture will begin to flow out, thus creating cavities and unevenly covering the area of product.

  • Performing a procedure according to technology.

Since the formwork must eventually be dismantled, it is very important to pour it so that the concrete does not grab parts of the structure. If the mold is removed with excessive force, it can lead to cracks and chips.

Even violation of one of these points can lead to the fact that the column will undergo critical destruction and deformation.

Formwork for columns: disposable, reusable, non-removable

Based on the possibilities and needs, three types of molds are used in construction: disposable, reusable and non-removable. Each of them has its own characteristics and advantages.

Single-use formworks most often used in the installation of small elements, as well as in private construction, when it is more economically justified. It is a special water-repellent thick cardboard. Due to its properties, it does not absorb the mixture and therefore can be easily removed after the concrete has hardened.

The diameter of this form can be from 15 to 120 cm, and their length reaches 10 or more meters. In accordance with its dimensions, the wall thickness will also change, the calculation of which depends on the volume of concrete inside the formwork. Installation of such molding is quite simple and does not require any special skills.

Reusable formwork is already being used more typically in large facilities and in commercial construction. These molds can be placed and dismantled many times. Installation of this design requires certain skills, since here it is necessary to carefully adjust the size and height. In addition, in different cases, it is necessary to choose the right type of reusable formwork. They are:

  • Shield.

Shapes to create square or rectangular columns. These are metal sheets, mostly without seams, on the inner surface of which laminated lumber is placed and clamped until the desired dimensions of the future product are reached.

  • Beam-transom.

Multi-component constructions for creating both large and complex building elements, and for private use.

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If you want to learn more, please visit our website concrete column formwork.

  • Steel.

Used for molding, including round columns. In this case, the concrete is in contact with the surface of the sheets, so it is necessary that they be lubricated with a special solution and completely cleaned.

  • Plastic.

Perform the same functions as steel or panel formwork, but have less strength and reliability of the seams.

Fixed formwork is also quite popular under certain circumstances. This is a thin material construction that allows pouring columns. Due to the strength of the form itself, you can get a reliable, but not too bulky building element.

Installation of column formwork: features of installation and dismantling

In order for the column to meet the technical characteristics required for its operation, you should carefully approach their installation step by step:

  1. Study the standard work plan for the applied element shape and size.
  2. Be sure to make the markup on a pre-prepared wireframe.
  3. If there is a construction plan, then the figures stated in it should be carefully followed.
  4. Assemble the formwork according to the instructions by hand or using scaffolding.
  5. If the formwork height on round columns is higher than 4.2, it is imperative to use a leveling beam. Measure using braces.
  6. Fill the mold with concrete.
  7. Dismantling takes place in the reverse order to installation after the concreting has completely dried.

The solution should be poured based on the structure of the formwork. In small structures, this can be done from above, and in larger ones, the so-called windows are designed for this. They are a shield that is removed, concrete is poured into the hole, after which the opening is closed back.

Instructions for the installation of girder formwork

Beam-transom formwork can be a rather complex structure, consisting of many elements. Since its dimensions can be very impressive, so as not to unnecessarily burden the process, this form is made mainly of wood. This simplifies its installation, thanks to which, with the help of beam-transom formwork, concreting of columns of various sizes is carried out, and within the same project. To create and strengthen it, you only need a couple of tools that any builder has.

With its help, it is easy to carry out the construction of various geometric elements, including round, cylindrical, oval, without buying special blanks for this.

To implement beam-transom formwork, you should:

  1. Prepare the area for the shape.
  2. Place the finished, pre-assembled form and lay the crossbar on it at a right angle.
  3. Lay the beams of the desired size perpendicular to the ledger and connect them using special fittings.
  4. Respect the necessary distance between the beams to obtain one or another building element.

It is necessary to create the formwork with high quality and the first time, since this is not a procedure that can be redone in the event of an unsuccessful outcome of pouring concrete. Therefore, we recommend that you enlist the support of specialized equipment, as well as carefully study all the accompanying documentation and follow it exactly.

Column Formwork Guide - Benefits

Column Formwork: The Ultimate Guide


Column formwork creates a formwork around a column to provide structural support. Columns are generally a support for multi-floor buildings, come in various shapes and sizes and can often be a seen as a decorative feature.

Formliners can often be used to give the finished concrete a specific pattern, and coloured concretes are also sometimes used to give a required finish. Round columns can often be cast with single use circular formwork, these achieve a good finish but are costly, especially if there are a lot of columns.

Our Fast-Form column formwork system is modular which means that it can be assembled quicker than traditional formwork systems. Depending on the concrete finish that you require, we can supply a range of internal face finishes (formliners) and our formwork can also be easily adjusted on-site to suit the size of the columns needed.

Fast-Form Column Formwork THE BENEFITS

With our bespoke formwork we can create any system to suit your individual needs. Not only is it the lightest system on the market, our column formwork also has a unique fixing system which means that it bolts directly onto your slab, removing the need for casting a kicker. Additional benefits of column formwork include:

  1. Increased speed and efficiency in construction
  2. A reduced need for skilled labour due to how simple it is to erect
  3. Our Fast-Form system can be assembled more easily than traditional formwork
  4. High-quality surface finishes are possible and formliners can be fitted
  5. Due to the highly engineered nature of the column formwork system, precision adjustments can be made on the jobsite.

Built With Safety in mind

Often, there is no real risk assessment when timber formwork is used on a jobsite, which can be a very unsafe method of working. The Fast-Form column formwork system helps you to meet handling regulations as no part weighs more than 25kg. Other safety benefits of our column formwork include:

  • Metal formwork systems have integral concreting platforms with guard rails and access equipment, reducing the need for independent access
  • For systems with disposable formwork, working platforms are erected separately in order to allow safe access
  • We can manufacture column formwork systems which can be worked from just one side. These are particularly useful for columns situated on the edges of buildings
  • The assembly process is much easier than with timber formwork, which is much better from a health and safety viewpoint
  • Minimal tools and equipment are required in order to erect column formwork

However, the key feature that really sets the Fast-Form column formwork system apart from other products in the market is its lifespan. Our formwork solutions are designed to last for over 25 years, as well as being made from 100% fully recyclable materials. A sustainable solution that is designed to withstand the test of time.

If you would like any further information about our column formwork system, please contact our expert team who will be more than happy to discuss your individual requirements.


