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History of Mosquito control in the 1800's - Screens save lives

Author: Geym

Aug. 12, 2024

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History of Mosquito control in the 's - Screens save lives

The history of mosquito control and window screens

Window screens help reduce mosquito malaria.  Recently I have become very concerned with home owners and renters!  They have made a senseless decision to remove their window screens from their homes or apartment building windows. Just to save a couple of bucks!  Don&#;t they know that window screens save lives? Here I will explain how the history of mosquito control and window screens have saved many lives.

Goto huili to know more.

You may ask: why am I so concerned with this?  Let me state that window screens will facilitate in saving many lives!  Window screens serve as a crucial function!  Let me share a couple of things that I actually discovered in my analysis.  It all has to do with flying insects (primarily mosquitoes) and the diseases they carry. For example diseases like the Zika Virus, Malaria, & West Nile Virus.

Who knew that window screens save lives? Get yours today!

I am going to provide a short history lesson.

Ancient Times

Mosquitoes have been around since the start of life on earth.  They have been alive since the Triassic period 400,000,000 years ago.  Best-known to be disease carrying insects.  Originated in Africa, Malaria is one among many ancient, deadly diseases.  It was acknowledged in writing by the Chinese around BC, and by the Sumerians in BC.  Malaria is translated as &#;bad air&#; in Italian.  The Romans believed it was caused by the foul smelling marshes around Rome.  Marshes were drained to eliminate smell and also sickness.  Therefore, they never recognized that it was the breeding ground for the dipterous mosquitoes carrying malaria.

American History

In America up till , Florida was inhospitable to live in because of mosquitoes.  Henry Flagler engineered the railroad so that the wealthy will begin building vacation homes in the state.  The developers would drain the neighboring marshes to eradicate the pests. They would use fans and bed netting to shield themselves from the nighttime insects.

Around the s &#; s people used cheesecloth for their windows, although wire window screens were being advertised they weren&#;t in demand until years later. Window screens were first created in the middle &#;s. Although it&#;s not clear what company or individual started making screens first.

There are several references of woven wire for window screens and advertisements which appeared in to . One reference is from the &#;s where the company Gilbert and Bennett had manufactured wire mesh sieves for food processing. An employee decided to paint some of the wire cloth and sell it as window screens. Another reference is from the late s to early s when E.T Barnum Company advertised screens to be sold by the square foot.

Mosquitoes in the &#;s & how window screens saves lives!

The &#;s window screens & mosquitoes

By the start of the Civil War from to window screens became known as a household necessity.  These insect preventing window screens save lives weren&#;t proprietary within the U.S. for quite a while until the year once several design patents were awarded for the unique specifications and innovations.

Swinging Screen Door in 100 year old photo

Malaria was once a major problem within the U.S. and because of it, the National mosquito Extermination Society was founded in and later turning into the American Mosquito Control Association also known as the AMCA in . Throughout this era of time the AMCA lead the country with mosquito control by the of insecticides, window screening, air conditioning, and preventive education which have proved to basically eliminate the disease Malaria.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosquito_control

Source: https://mosquitocontrol.net/history-of-mosquito-control/


Just because we&#;ve had good success in the U.S., doesn&#;t mean that the problem doesn&#;t exist elsewhere.  The American Mosquito Control Association states on their web site that &#;Mosquitoes cause more human suffering than any other organism.  Over one million people worldwide die from mosquito-borne diseases every year.&#; in addition to this number, mosquitoes transmit further diseases to dogs, horses, and birds.  All of the diseases include;

  • Malaria
  • West Nile Virus
  • Lymphatic Filariasis
  • Dog Heartworm
  • Chikungunya
  • Yellow Fever
  • Eastern equine encephalitis
  • St. louis encephalitis
  • Western equine encephalitis



People nowadays, in history, around the world, and throughout different decades/ times can all agree why bugs and pests are an annoyance. Annoyance for these pesky disease carriers has been expressed even in art forms. The importance of artwork is that it usually depicts a historical moment in time.

One example of artwork is a song composed in and titled &#; Oh! That horrid Mosquito&#;. One lyric from the song is &#;You may scratch till broad daylight, But you can&#;t catch that mosquito. But he keeps singing all the while, Oh, that horrid mosquito!&#; Another example of artwork was done in the s, it is a poem titled &#;The House Flies&#;. This is the poem below.

Jimmy Carter

I initially learned of this by hearing former President of the United States, Jimmy Carter speaking regarding this subject at my daughter&#;s school many years ago.  He and his spouse Former first lady Rosa Lynn Carter had developed a relationship with the school and we were very lucky to have had them visit two times.  I additionally learned about all the great works they have done, organizations they have developed and still pursue together with Habitat for Humanity and the Carter Center.

Carter Center

Jimmy Carter speaks at high school &#; Steve Tristan was in attendance

According to the Carter Center, in there have been roughly three hundred and fifty to five hundred million cases of malaria reported  worldwide and a million individuals were killed annually, most of them being kids.  Over six year of providing medical treatment for the disease and the distribution of over seven point six million insecticide treated bed nets since .  Malaria presently kills an estimated six hundred fifty five thousand people every year, mostly children, with about two hundred and fifty million cases of the disease reported worldwide. Roughly 80 % of all cases and 90 % of all Malaria deaths occur in Africa, where one child in ten dies before the age of five from the illness.

Another disease, lymphatic Filariasis is noted as a leading cause of permanent and long term disability worldwide. Roughly a hundred and twenty million folks are infected and one point one billion are in danger of infection.  Its cause are thin worms transmitted to humans by mosquito bites in tropical and sub-tropic regions.  The worms cause blockage in the lymphatic system causing fluid collection in tissues of the legs or genitals, severe swelling, and fever from bacterial infections. Long term infection is an unalterable condition referred to as elephantiasis.

Eradicating worldwide disease

Thank goodness for the Carter&#;s efforts in eradicating these diseases worldwide.  Please keep in mind that the employment of insecticides and screening / screens are the winning effort pursued by the Carter Center.  Let&#;s not forget that thanks to the efforts of the many individuals, we currently have window screens and air conditioning in our homes that keep mosquitoes out.  Please don&#;t remove your screens.  If there&#;s a hole in one of them; go right down to your local hardware store to repair it or get a do it yourself kit.  You&#;ll be able to additionally call a handyman or an organization like Best Custom Screens to re-screen it.  If the screen is bent beyond repair then let&#;s order you a replacement screen. They&#;re more cost-effective then many folks think.

It&#;s our goal to supply homeowners and building owners with window screens. Plus screen doors that may keep the interior of the buildings free of mosquitoes and unwanted flying insects. Essentially as proven in this article, providing a much better quality of life.

War against malaria During WWII

WWII wasn&#;t only a people&#;s War &#; malaria control

War against malaria &#; During World War II the United States Army faced difficult malaria control problems in America and in the battlefield. The malaria mosquito was more deadly than the enemy of the darn war.


In order to prevent malaria and shorten the war, American G.I.&#;s had to keep fit and take Atabrine daily. The term G.I. referred to Government Issue or General Issue which involves the government drafting men in the 40&#;s and was widespread throughout the United States.

G.I&#;s had to follow steps to preventing and controlling malaria. Such as sleeping under a net, keeping it prepared, tucking it in and making sure there is no mosquito waiting for you inside the net. G.I&#;s also followed steps such as the G.I. bedtime story.  The step involved was keeping their shirts on and applying the repellent everywhere.

https://pacificparatrooper.wordpress.com//05/04/war-against-malaria/ .  Back in the early 80s, my boss regularly laid low with recurring bouts of malaria.  He first acquired them in PNG in WWII. Somehow, I don&#;t think tucking in mosquito nets was high on the list of possibilities.  Also, while they were stuck out exposed in the mud and jungle of the Kokoda Trail.  In addition, I do remember him saying quinine for treatment was in short supply. But they are certainly innovative posters.

This post was originally shared on our other blog at https://bestcustomscreensblog.wordpress.com/tag/malaria/

In the previous post on wordpress, we received some great feedback on the photos.  Apparently the photos below are hard to find as well as unique.  It&#;s really interesting to us that the photos helped soldiers learn about the disease carrying mosquitoes while in jungles, forest, and all other areas in other countries.  Especially along the Pacific Coast of Asia and throughout the rest of the world.

World War II in the Pacific & Malaria

Malaria has been a long-standing issue for many countries, especially those in the tropics and subtropics. During World War II, malaria posed a significant threat to the health of military personnel, especially those stationed in the Pacific and Southeast Asia. The fight against malaria during this time was critical, as the disease had the potential to significantly impact the outcome of the war.

WWII Ad about preventing malaria

Malaria is a parasitic disease transmitted through the bites of infected mosquitoes. It can cause fever, chills, headaches, and muscle pain, and in severe cases, can lead to organ failure and death. During World War II, malaria was prevalent in many of the countries where the war was being fought, including the Philippines, Burma, and the Solomon Islands.

Military Efforts

The US military recognized the importance of controlling malaria among their troops, and a significant effort was made to develop effective prevention and treatment measures. One of the most successful measures was the use of quinine, a drug that had been used for centuries to treat malaria. Quinine was in short supply during the war, and efforts were made to find alternatives. One such alternative was Atabrine, a synthetic drug that was developed in the s. Atabrine was found to be effective in treating and preventing malaria and was widely used by the US military during the war.

Troops with Mosquito Nets

In addition to drug treatments, other measures were taken to control the spread of malaria. Mosquito nets were provided to troops, and mosquito breeding grounds were eliminated or treated with insecticides. Education campaigns were also launched to inform troops of the importance of taking preventive measures, such as wearing long sleeves and pants and using insect repellent.

The success of these efforts can be seen in the decline of malaria cases among US military personnel. In the Pacific theater, the incidence of malaria dropped from 500 cases per 1,000 troops per year in to less than 50 cases per 1,000 troops per year in .

The fight against malaria during World War II was not without its challenges. The shortage of quinine and other drugs, as well as the difficulty in getting supplies to remote areas, made the task more difficult. The military also faced resistance from local populations who were suspicious of the drugs and measures being taken.

Other Challenges

Despite these challenges, the fight against malaria during World War II was a significant success. The measures taken by the US military, as well as other military forces, helped to control the spread of the disease and reduce its impact on military personnel. The lessons learned during this time continue to inform efforts to control malaria today, with drug treatments and prevention measures still being used to combat the disease in many parts of the world.

In conclusion, the fight against malaria during World War II was a critical part of the war effort. The success of this effort can be seen in the decline of malaria cases among military personnel and the impact it had on the outcome of the war. The lessons learned during this time continue to inform efforts to control malaria today and serve as a reminder of the importance of vigilance and innovation in the fight against disease.

Ranked #1 worst city for mosquitoes

A rating by the pest management firm Orkin ranked the highest 50 mosquito-infested cities throughout the nation. It says that LA is ranked number 1 for mosquito beating out Atlanta, who was the top rank for seven consecutive years. It&#;s done on the variety of prospects who made mosquito calls between April and March .

Ranked #1 worst city for mosquitoes is LA and three new worst cities all in the West Coast: Seattle, San Diego and Fresno for mosquitoes broke into the list this year. In the top five on that list, there were Washington D.C., Dallas and Chicago.

Mosquitoes typically become active when temperatures are above 68 degrees Fahrenheit and it starts to breed at May and last through September. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, mosquitoes are most likely to bite between dusk and dawn.

Source: https://abc7.com/mosquitoes-la-orkin-worst-cities-for-in-us//

L.A. County Worst Area for Mosquitoes, So Protect Yourself

There&#;s no need to suffer through mosquito season unprotected. If you live in Los Angeles County, the Los Angeles Times reports that you should know that it&#;s among the worst areas in the U.S.. The good news is that there are several household and yard-based steps you can take to keep those pesky bloodsuckers at bay. In this article, we&#;ll outline some of these steps as well as introduce a few products ready to help you fight off those bugs this summer.

Los Angeles Worst Area For Mosquitoes This Year?

Blog Intro: While you may be thinking that the worst mosquito problem is in your neck of the woods, you might be surprised to learn that Los Angeles County is the worst area for mosquitoes this year. The heat and humidity have created a perfect breeding ground for these pesky pests. That&#;s why it&#;s so important to learn how to protect yourself from these nuisances.

Los Angeles County West Nile Virus

Within the last year, Los Angeles County has seen a rise in West Nile Virus cases with over 200 being reported and leading to the death of 17 individuals. In a recent report for the Los Angeles Times, L.A. County is the 3rd highest in West Nile Virus cases with that number expected to increase. Record high fall temperatures are contributing to the rise in cases as warmer weather helps the virus to spread at a much rapid rate.

The mosquito-carried virus also affects animals such as birds, horses, in addition to humans. Once infected, a person can start to exhibit symptoms such as fevers, nausea, vomiting and other serious complications that can lead to seeking immediate medical attention. Coma, paralysis, and vision loss are other serious possible causes from untreated West Nile Virus illnesses.

Mosquitoes are the main culprit in the West Nile Virus spreading.

Because of this public officials are issuing several safety precautionary tips to help the public avoid infection. Mosquitoes love to congregate in places where standing water exists. Thus, water conditions must be eliminated whenever possible. Also, make sure to wear shirts with longer sleeves and pants that cover your entire leg. This will help you avoid mosquito bites when you are outside. Have insect repellent applied in areas where they are known to exist. Mosquitoes also love to roam  during the dawn to dusk period so don&#;t be active outside at that time.

All windows and patio doors must be properly covered with tight fitting screens; No rips or tears. Protect your houses and homes against these invaders! Don&#;t hesitate to replace damaged screens. Screens are affordable and the cost of replacing them is well worth it. What did you receive a mosquito bite from a West Nile Virus carrier?!? The odds may appear to be long but new data suggests that those odds are now increasing in the chances and why take a chance with yourself and your loved ones?

stagnant water actually inside the trap where they can&#;t escape,&#; Ritchie says. &#;If you trap out enough of the egg-laying mosquitoes, then there aren&#;t going to be eggs in the wild, so the population will crash.&#;

Mosquitoes test positive for West Nile Virus in the San Fernando Valley

Mosquitoes test positive for West Nile Virus in the San Fernando Valley. Health officials are notifying San Fernando Valley residents that mosquitoes in the area have tested positive for West Nile virus.

Porter Ranch and Sherman Oaks just had mosquito samples taken. Last week, mosquitoes found in Panorama City, tested positive. Get rid of any standing water on your properties because those spots can become mosquito-breeding sites! Take measures to keep your family safe!


Furthermore, as a resident of the Valley, I immediately asked myself, &#;Who has been bitten by a mosquito over the past couple of weeks?&#; &#;Will I get sick?&#;  &#;What are the symptoms?&#; and &#;What can I do?&#;

What are the symptoms of West Nile Virus?

But, what are the symptoms of West Nile Virus?  Some symptoms include headaches, body aches, fever, skin rash, and swollen lymph nodes. Severe symptoms might include stiff neck, disorientation, sleepiness, coma, tremors, convulsions, and even paralysis. Most cases of the West Nile virus infection may go unreported, because they symptoms are mild.

How long does it take for the symptoms to come?

Symptoms.  It takes 3 to 14 days after being bitten before the first virus symptoms appear.

Can I die from West Nile Virus?

Rare cases of West Nile Virus lead to death.   These more serious forms of infection can cause long-term illness, brain damage, permanent disability, and &#; in rare cases &#; even death. Symptoms will begin 3 to 14 days after a person is infected. Severe West Nile virus infection causes symptoms such as: high fever.

Is there a cure or treatment for West Nile Virus?

No vaccine or specific antiviral treatments for West Nile virus infection are available. Patients, with severe cases, often need to be hospitalized! They receive supportive treatment. including intravenous fluids, pain medication, nursing care, etc.

Protect your house with these tips

What are some of the reasons that mosquitoes thrive in Los Angeles County? New History of mosquito control in LA

One reason that mosquitoes thrive in Los Angeles is that we have a lot of water sources for them, including creeks, ponds, and also a lot of natural areas. These natural areas are great places for mosquitoes to breed because of the standing water, and there are a lot of them, so it&#;s good for mosquitoes.

&#;Exterior and interior supports and screens can help keep inside and outside temperatures in check,&#; and &#;This prevents having to also wear a lot of sunscreen to keep the bug away. Mosquitoes especially love standing water, which creates a breeding ground for them.&#;


Use bug deterrents in places where you want them to bite people, like your garage. &#;Most bugs are attracted to electric shocks and by chemicals on the property,&#;


Tips on how to keep mosquitoes from coming into your home and yard

  1. Home and yard-based steps for keeping mosquitoes away
  2. Mosquitoes are annoying and they can make your life miserable. They&#;re also very dangerous, as they can spread diseases like Zika, West Nile, and Malaria.There are some surefire ways to keep them out.
  3. Mosquitoes can be annoying and also carry diseases, so it&#;s important to keep them out of your home. Here are some tips to help you keep mosquitoes away:
  4. Use screens: Make sure that all windows and doors have screens to prevent mosquitoes from coming inside.
  5. Eliminate standing water: Mosquitoes breed in standing water, so remove any sources of standing water around your home, such as buckets, flower pots, and other items that may hold water.
  6. Use mosquito repellent: Apply mosquito repellent on exposed skin, especially during the evening and night when mosquitoes are most active. Choose a repellent that contains DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus.
  7. Wear long clothing: Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants to reduce the amount of exposed skin that mosquitoes can bite.
  8. Use mosquito netting: If you live in an area with a high mosquito population, consider using mosquito netting over your bed to protect you while you sleep.
  9. Keep your home clean: Clean your home regularly to prevent the accumulation of debris and clutter where mosquitoes can hide.
  10. Use essential oils: Some essential oils, such as citronella, lavender, and eucalyptus, are natural mosquito repellents. Consider using them in candles, diffusers, or as sprays around your home.

One Scientist Thinks He&#;s Built A Better Mosquito Trap

One Scientist Thinks He&#;s Built A Better Mosquito Trap. Is he bring the history of mosquito control to modern times? A scientist in Australia has come up with an insecticide-free way to control a particularly pesky species of mosquito.

The approach involves two things: deploying a decidedly low-tech mosquito trap called a GAT and getting to know your neighbors.

GAT stands for Gravid Aedes Trap. Aedes is short for Aedes albopictus, known colloquially as the Asian tiger mosquito, which bites aggressively night and day!

For more china fiberglass window screen supplierinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

A simple trap known as a GAT may help neighborhoods get rid of the Asian tiger mosquito, an aggressive biter.

The trap doesn&#;t look particularly impressive. It&#;s three plastic buckets stacked together. The top and bottom buckets are black. The mosquitoes fly into the trap through a hole in the top bucket, but they seem to have a hard time flying back out through the hole. To make matters worse (for the mosquito) you can dangle a piece of sticky paper inside the top bucket to catch a wayward pest that happens to land there.

The bottom bucket contains water with some rotting grass floating in it. Aedes mosquitoes typically lay their eggs in stagnant water. The middle bucket has a net to trap any mosquitoes that hatch in the water.

Why is it effective?

It&#;s a simple setup, but the scientist who invented the GAT, Scott Ritchie of the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine at James Cook University, says there are several reasons it&#;s effective.

Ritchie says that what lures &#;most mosquitoes [in is their] innate attract[ion] to black.&#;

Female mosquitoes are the ones that bite people. They lay their eggs after stuffing themselves with blood.

&#;So we&#;ve got the blackness that brings them to the trap. Then we&#;ve got the stagnant water actually inside the trap where they can&#;t escape,&#; Ritchie says. &#;If you trap out enough of the egg-laying mosquitoes, then there aren&#;t going to be eggs in the wild, so the population will crash.&#;

But the traps alone aren&#;t enough to get rid of the pesky mosquito. Ritchie says it&#;s important for homeowners to eliminate any pools of standing water. Abandoned tires, for example, are notorious for collecting water after it rains, but even an inverted bottle cap can hold enough water for an Aedes mosquito to lay her eggs.


There&#;s one other key to controlling the mosquito population in a community: Everybody has to pitch in. If your neighbors don&#;t use the traps and remove standing water, then mosquitoes are likely to thrive and won&#;t mind flying over to your yard for a snack.

But there is some good news. &#;These mosquitoes don&#;t fly very far,&#; says Dina Fonseca, a mosquito expert at Rutgers University. &#;So basically if you have most of your neighbors employing this approach and are aware of what they need to do to control this mosquito, you&#;re in good shape.&#;

Then she adds with a smile, &#;It does require talking to the neighbors.&#;

There&#;s already some scientific evidence that the traps can be effective. Fonseca is working with several communities in and around Washington, D.C., to see if the control program is effective. Anecdotally, residents tell her the number of mosquito bites has gone down in areas where people are using the traps and eliminating standing water. The scientific proof is still a ways off.

I bought a Katchy Indoor Insect Trap on Amazon.  Find out what I learned

My Katchy Insect Trap Review

As someone who has always struggled with pesky indoor insects near my office, I was excited to try out the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap that I purchased on Amazon.After using it for several months, I&#;ve learned a lot about this innovative insect trap. It helps with mosquito control.

We were getting bit by mosquitoes and mine also seemed to swell and itch more than others. Either way we suffered even though we had window screens. We never installed a screen door and I know we should have installed one. Especially since we&#;re in the screening industry. So I went to Amazon and after researching many types of mosquito traps I decided to buy the Katchy Trap.

Breakdown of the coolest mosquito control trap

First off, the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap is incredibly easy to use. It&#;s a plug-in device that comes with a USB cord, so you can use it virtually anywhere. To set it up, simply plug it in and turn it on. The trap uses a combination of UV light, a fan, and a sticky glue board to attract and capture insects.

One thing I learned about the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap is that it&#;s surprisingly effective. Within just a few days of using it, I noticed a significant decrease in the number of insects in my home. The trap is particularly effective at capturing fruit flies and gnats, which are some of the most common indoor insects.

My favorite reason why I use it

Another thing I appreciate about the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap is that it&#;s very low maintenance. The glue board is easy to replace and the trap itself is easy to clean. Additionally, the trap is completely chemical-free, so you don&#;t have to worry about harmful chemicals in your home.

Buy your Katchy Mosquito Control Trap Today!

Overall, I&#;m very happy with my purchase of the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap on Amazon. It&#;s an effective, easy-to-use solution for anyone dealing with indoor insects. It&#;s also affordable and has a sleek, modern design that blends in well with any home decor. If you&#;re tired of dealing with pesky indoor insects, I highly recommend giving the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap a try.

Tips on how to keep mosquitoes from coming into your home and yard

Home and yard-based steps for keeping mosquitoes away

Mosquitoes are annoying and they can make your life miserable. They&#;re also very dangerous, as they can spread diseases like Zika, West Nile, and Malaria.There are some surefire ways to keep them out.

Keep your kids away from bugs

It&#;s summertime and we all are enjoying it to it&#;s fullest. But Itchy red bites might seem like an inevitable part of this season. We swat, spray, or move away from bugs when they bug us but our kids and babies can&#;t.

Most of the children have mild reactions to insect bites yet some become very sick. Moreover mosquitoes are a big headache as they spread dangerous diseases like malaria, dengue, West Nile virus, chikungunya, yellow fever, filariasis, tularemia, dirofilariasis and many more.

Insect repellent is widely used to protect children from insect bites.

To protect our child from biting insects we all think of repellents but it&#;s important that insect repellents are used safely. We would like to request you to go through Insect Bite and Repellant Safety Tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics 

However, we tried to cover all the ways we can prevent and treat bug bites. Let&#;s take a look..

Avoid Insects

We all know mosquitoes are active at dawn and dusk while other insects are out during late afternoon and early evening. So knowing this we can avoid them

during that time frame. Most of the time our child plays at that time, in that case we should dress our kids in light coloured clothing and obviously with long sleeves.


Rethink using bug repellents on newborn babies. Even the DEET free repellents are not safe for them. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) strictly suggested not to use repellents on newborn baby. So be very careful from making your baby bug buffet. Stay inside the home during dusk and dawn as the bugs are so active during that time.

10% to 30% DEET is recommended to two month old babies. FYI, 10% DEET gives protection for 2 hours and 30% DEET gives protection for 5 hours. We suggest not to expose kids to repellent any longer than necessary, wash off when they are inside home.

Make your house safe

Window and door screens are a must in your house. They keep bugs from crawling inside and ensure pure air circulation at your home.  Contact Best Custom Screens to choose the right door and window screens. Best Custom Screens specializes in selling window and door screening products online, as well as offering shipping nationwide. In addition, we provide installation and repair services throughout the Greater Los Angeles area.

Disney solves mosquito crisis!

Florida&#;s Disney World puts the smack down on mosquitoes!

How did Disney solves the mosquito crisis? In Florida, there are countless mosquitoes out there and they carry diseases. 

Disney World is &#;smack dab in the middle of a swamp.&#; Also, &#;Florida is more comprised of wetlands than any other state in the U.S.&#;

Rob Plays YouTuber from Midway to Mainstreet https://www.youtube.com/@MidwaytoMainStreet

Imagine that! Mosquitoes are a large epidemic, carrying potential viruses that are harmful for many, including the following: West Nile virus, and Zika virus. This is a very informative video that discuses how Disney solves that problem in a very thorough and scientific way.

Solve your own mosquito crisis and keep your home or business safe! To do this, you can A) Invest in expensive pesticides, B) Hire Disney to solve the problem for you, or C) Simply buy quality screens from us at a fair price.

Expensive Pesticides

Pesticides are often used to kill off pests. In your case, that&#;s mosquitoes! Pesticides are a good tool to control these disease carriers, mosquitoes. On the other hand, pesticides can be expensive. More specifically, mosquito misting systems cost about $1,000 to $1,800 on average! That doesn&#;t even include fees for professional installation and maintenance.

Hire Disney for mosquito control? Not!

Now, as for hiring Disney to solve your problem, it&#;s safe to say that would be pretty pricey. Disney is an extremely well known company known for it&#;s diverse entertainment capabilities. If we take mosquito control as serious as Disney does, then we would be able to easily prevent them from biting us in and around our own homes. Which would reduce the spread of disease too.

Buy Quality Screens

Lastly, we suggest buying quality screens! As a matter of fact you can look at our great selection here. Buy having screens on your doors and windows you can block pests from entering your home. That doesn&#;t only include mosquitoes but pesky flies that like to land on your food at the worst of moments. Screens, sold at an affordable price, allow you to enjoy a breeze without the worry of pests. Screens protect!

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Fiberglass Window Screen

Fiberglass window screen
What is fiberglass window screen?
Fiberglass window screen is also called fiberglass insect screen, or fiberglass fly screen which is a type of screen made from fiberglass mesh material that is used to cover windows and doors. It serves the primary purpose of allowing fresh air to circulate into a space while preventing insects from entering.
It is also called insect screen or mosquito screen.

The material is composed of fine glass fibers woven together to form a mesh. Fiberglass is chosen for its durability and resistance to corrosion and fire.

Advantages of Fiberglass window screen
(1) UV-resistant, let you enjoy the fresh air of outdoor without the sun burn
(2) With high tensile strength, good bending strength, dust-resistant, fire-resistant
(3) Keep bugs, flies, mosquitoes away from home
(4) Good privacy for you to enjoy outdoor life
(5) With longer service life
(6) Easy to clean and wash
(7) Easy to cut with scissors and install
(8) Environmental and no smell

Window screen? But more than window screen.
Fiberglass window screens are commonly used in residential, commercial, and industrial settings where insect control is essential, and where maintaining visibility and airflow is desired. They are a popular choice for homes, apartment buildings, restaurants, and various other structures to create a bug-free and comfortable environment indoors while keeping doors and windows open.
Fiberglass Screening is also available in no see ums screen(micro mesh), such as 20×20, 20×22, 22×22, 24×24, etc.
It used for keeping very tiny flying insects out of our window and doors.
For large areas such as pool enclosures, a strong 18×14 in 0.33mm wire diameter mesh is also available.

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