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How Does Seven Running Work?

Author: Minnie

Sep. 09, 2024

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7 horses painting Vastu benefits and tips to attract success

Here are some Vastu Shastra tips for placing a 7 horse painting in the house or office, which is considered auspicious for attracting wealth and prosperity

For more information, please visit Seven Running.

Horses are considered as auspicious animal symbols across different cultures in the world. Known for their majestic qualities, horses, especially galloping horses, are universal symbols of strength, success, peace and progress. You can invite the power and positive energies of horses by incorporating their figurines or statues in your home. The most popular representation of horses, according to Vastu and Feng Shui, is the 7 horses painting. Placing these auspicious paintings in home or office is believed to invite good luck, prosperity and success in one&#;s endeavours. As per Vastu Shastra, the best place to hang a 7 horse painting should be placed on the south wall of the house or office.

Let us delve into more detail regarding the placement of 7 horses Vastu paintings.


7 horse painting Vastu: Quick facts

Best direction

South, North and East

Direction to avoid


Best location

Living room of the house, office

Location to avoid

Bedroom, study room, pooja room, entrance or bathroom area


Stability, courage, power, strength and loyalty

Benefits of 7-horse painting

Financial stability or career enhancement

Benefits of 3-horse painting

good fortune and career growth

Best colours

Grey, white, orange and blue


7 horse painting Vastu significance

Horses are among the animals regarded auspicious in Vastu Shastra. They symbolise stability, courage, power, strength and loyalty. Hanging a seven horses painting is believed to have a positive influence on various aspects of one&#;s life. Running horses also depict speed and growth in life. Further, the number seven is regarded as auspicious. So, adding seven horses painting in the right direction of your home will help boost one&#;s efforts, resulting in positive outcomes, as per Vastu Shastra.

Each horse represents a noteworthy milestone of life like career, marriage, children, fitness, education, or personal development. Thus, keeping paintings or figurines of horses bring positivity to life.

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Those looking for growth in their business or planning to start a new business should include this lucky painting in their workplace. If one seeks financial stability or career enhancement, placing a 7 horse painting as per the Vastu direction in the house can bring the desired results.

The auspicious painting eliminates negative energies, which is why it is a perfect choice for decorating the house and attracting positivity in one&#;s life and profession.

Horse symbolism in Vastu Shastra

  • Strength and power: Horses symbolise strength, vitality and power, according to Vastu Shastra. They are known to represent the ability to overcome obstacles and achieve success through hard work and determination.
  • Speed: Speed is among the strong attributes of horses. Speed is a vital aspect in the present-day, fast-paced life.
  • Financial prosperity: Horse symbols are also associated with wealth and financial prosperity. Keeping horse figurines or paintings in specific areas of the house is said to attract wealth and abundance.
  • Positive energy: Horse symbols, when placed in the house or office, bring positive and vibrant energies, creating a harmonious environment.
  • Progress and achievement: According to Vastu, the seven running horses painting symbolises progress and achievement. It denotes speedy growth and advancement in career and business and other aspects of life.

See also: How to place figurines of elephant as per Vastu direction at home


Seven horses painting direction in home

Types of horse painting Direction for placement 7-horse painting South if with red background or east 2-horse painting East (bedroom) 3-horse painting East or north (office) 8-horse painting northeast


How to determine the correct Vastu direction for placing 7 horse paintings?


A 7-horse painting is believed to bring various benefits when placed in a home or office. The right direction to place the painting should be decided depending on one&#;s specific goals and intentions. One should have a good understanding of the basic Vastu principles and significance of various directions.

According to Vastu, it is important to clearly understand the effect that the painting of seven horses will bring, when placed in a particular direction. The best direction for hanging a 7 horse painting is the south wall of the house or office. This direction is associated with success and fame and keeping the painting here, will be beneficial.

However, if it is not possible to hang the painting in this direction, one can choose the east or the north wall to place the painting. The north is the direction of wealth and career. So, a 7 horse painting on the north wall will invite prosperity in the family. The east is the direction for growth. So, placing this painting on the east wall is advisable for those looking for career growth.

See also: Vastu tips for office, to bring prosperity at work


Adorn a living room wall with 7 horses picture

The ideal location to place the lucky painting of seven galloping horses is the living room of the house. You can keep the lucky seven horses painting in your living room to decorate a wall while attracting positive vibes in the house.  Remember to place it on a wall in the Vastu-recommended direction.

Position the seven horses painting in a way that it faces inside the house.  The horse painting helps eliminate obstructions in the path to success.


Deck up an office wall with seven running horses

Placing a wall painting of seven running horses in an office or commercial premises is believed to be auspicious and attract positivity. Those who are looking for success and progress in business should keep this lucky 7 horse painting on the south wall of the office. The south direction, as per Vastu Shastra, represents success and fame. If this location is unavailable, then place the painting on the east wall.

The lucky 7 horses paintings, as per Vastu can also be placed at the reception area. However, when placing the 7 horse painting in office or any commercial space, one should keep in mind some Vastu principles. Make sure that the painting faces the inside of the office and not outside.


7 horse Vastu painting: Places to avoid 

  • Do not place the 7 horse photo or painting in the bedroom, study room, pooja room, or above the main door.
  • Never place the seven horses painting near the bathroom or toilets.
  • Avoid placing it near the window or the main entrance.
  • It should not face any door as it can have negative effects


Benefits of 3 horses painting

Speed, loyalty and victory: According to the Chinese Zodiac, the 3 horses painting is regarded auspicious and symbolises speed, loyalty, determination and victory. One can place the 3-horse painting in the living room wall facing east to attract good fortune.

Eliminates obstacles: According to Feng Shui, the 3-horse painting denotes joy, speed and freedom and helps eliminate obstacles in life. Choose a gold horse figurine to invite wealth and benefits in career.

Creativity and independence: Further, the three running horses represent creativity and independence. Thus, keeping the painting or statue at home or office ensures positivity and helps boosts confidence and determination in achieving one&#;s goals.

Growth in career and business: A three-horse painting should be placed in office or workplace, which attracts good fortune in career and business pursuits. It boosts leadership qualities and ensures success.

Enhanced energy flow: A three-horse painting boosts the flow of positive energy (chi), promoting progress and motivation.

Protection: According to Vastu and Feng Shui, horses are symbols of strength and protection. A three-horse painting helps eliminate negative energies and obstacles.

Balance and harmony: Horses symbolise balance of mind, body and spirit, which is essential for overall well-being.

Artistic aesthetics: A three-horse painting adds artistic beauty and a sense of movement and vitality to a space.


Can we put 7 horse painting in bedroom?

One should choose the recommended 7 running horses painting Vastu direction in the house, which ensures positive results.

When it comes to Vastu Shastra principles, there are certain dos and don&#;ts we must keep in mind when placing various decorative items in the house. The rules apply for the lucky seven horses as well, since we wish to gain positive results through the painting.

As per Vastu Shastra, placing the 7 horse painting in the bedroom, the temple or puja room, the study room, or any walls facing the washroom or on the main door, is not recommended. You can keep the seven horse photo in the living room and dining hall.

See also: Vastu tips for the bedroom


Vastu tips to maintain 7 horses painting

  • The seven horse painting should be cleaned to avoid the accumulation of dust that can cause the painting to look dull. Using a soft cloth to clean the painting, which will help radiate positive energy.
  • Make sure the painting frame does not have signs of any wear and tear or chipped.
  • Do not keep the painting exposed to direct sunlight that can fade its colours.
  • Keep the painting in well-ventilated area, protected from moisture. If required, install a dehumidifier in the room.
  • The horse painting should not depict any chains, leashes or ropes on the horses.
  • The horses in the painting should be depicted as swimming in the water.


7 horses painting and Vastu elements

You can combine the Seven Horse Painting with other Vastu elements to boost the positive energies in your house.

  • Boost the positive effects of the painting by keeping Vastu-friendly items such as crystals or gemstones.
  • Include the five elements of nature &#; earth, wind, fire, wood and metal, according to Feng Shui to create a balance.
  • Opt for colours based on the Vastu directions, which create a positive energy.

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Seven horses painting: Vastu tips on placement

  • The ideal 7 horse Vastu direction

    must be chosen.

  • When placing the 7 running horses in the Vastu recommended direction, the horses in the photo should be shown as running in a straight line or in symmetry, without any obstacle. They should be depicted as running over open ground and not on water.
  • It is ideal to select a 7 horses photo that depicts an odd number of horses.
  • Selecting a single horse photo or painting is not recommended as per Vastu.
  • One should ensure that the painting does not depict an incomplete image of the horses.
  • The wall or the background for the seven horses photo as per Vastu must bring positivity. So, it is important to ensure it is clean and does not look dull.
  • It is important that the seven running horses Vastu painting should give a positive impression, be delightful and motivating to look at. Do not keep a painting that does not bring positivity.
  • A painting of seven horses with a red background will have the influence of planet Mars. It will help in increasing one&#;s self-esteem.
  • Seven horses depicted in blue represent planet Saturn and will invite harmony and peace.
  • Ensure that the size of the painting is proportional to the size of the room. Do not choose a small painting for a large and spacious house.

  • Choose the right medium for the horse photo frame or painting as per Vastu, such as canvas and wood, which is strong and Vastu-friendly. Do not choose paper as a medium for the horse painting or running horse wallpaper.

  • When selecting a seven-horse painting, it should have a background that represents positive emotions. Avoid background images such as storm, sunset or any disturbing scenes.


7 horse painting Vastu significance based on colours

7 horse painting colour Significance Grey Grey colour represents Planets Rahu, Ketu. White White colour represents Planet Moon. The colour also signified peace. Orange Orange colour represents Planet Sun. Blue Blue colour represents Planet Saturn and invites harmony.


7 horse painting with sunrise

It is considered auspicious to place seven horses paintings depicted with a rising sun in the background. The painting of 7 horses is said to attract success and financial stability in one&#;s life. When placing this painting in the home or office, one should remember the Vastu Shastra rules.


7 horse painting with moon

You will also find paintings of running horses with the moon in the backdrop. The auspicious7 horse photo, as per Vastu denotes peace, progress and success. One can adorn house or office walls with seven horses painting with moon in the backdrop.


Painting of seven horses near sea

You can also hang a painting of seven horses running near the seashore. This will bring positive energies into the house and boost the progress of your work. You can hang the 7 horse photo at home or office for positive results.


Seven running horses painting in Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, the horse is regarded as an auspicious animal that represents speed, growth, strength, and loyalty. Horses are also associated with yang energy and represent the fire element related to recognition, fame, inspiration and passion. You can keep a horse painting in your living room and invite positive energies.

Further, galloping horses have great significance which is why the running horse painting is a popular décor item you will find in many homes.

The different action of a horse has a particular significance, as per Feng shui.

  • Horses in motion, like those shown in some lucky seven horses painting, represent speed. On the other hand, a horse firmly standing on four feet signifies strength and powerful energy.

  • You can go for a horse painting with 7 galloping horses. You can also place a horse painting with two horses. As per Feng Shui, a pair of horses can be seen as two individual partners in a strong bond.

  • White seven horse painting is quite popular. The white colour represents metal element. Keeping this 7 horse wallpaper or painting at home will attract wealth. 

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Where should you place seven white horses painting?

White horses have a special significance as per mythologies across different cultures of the world. They represent innocence, purity, good fortune, and prosperity. Many people keep a painting of seven white running horses in the house or office as it is said to bring good fortune. In earlier days, horses were served as a mode of transport. Moreover, it is a direct representation of the Goddess Venus.


Horse symbolism in Feng Shui

  • Yang energy: In ancient China, horses were considered to be associated with dragons and known for their strong yang energy. Yang energy represents fast, bright, and active, while yin energy is considered slow, dark, and passive.
  • Fire element: Horses denote the fire element among the five element system connected to fame, recognition, inspiration, and passion.
  • Success and fame: Horses are associated with the south sector, denoting fame and recognition. Keeping horse figurines or artwork in this zone is said to enhance reputation and career success.

  • Protection: Horse symbols symbolise protection as per Feng Shui. They are believed to guard against negative energies and promote a safe and secure environment.

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  • Balance: Feng Shui principles are based on the concept of balance and harmony in the living space. Horses are considered as symbols of balance, in its physical form and in terms of inner balance and strength. Vastu and Feng Shui consider horses as powerful symbols to influence various aspects of life such as success, protection, prosperity and overall well-being.

  • Forward momentum: In Feng Shui, horses are said to represent progress and forward momentum. Keeping horse symbols at home or office encourages individuals to move past obstacles and achieve their goals.


Horse symbolism in different cultures

  • Chinese zodiac: Horses are considered as powerful spirit and supreme, denoting nobleness and faithfulness.

  • Japanese culture: In Japanese culture, horses are spirit animal and divine being. They are considered the carrier of gods when they entered the world.

  • Christianity: According to Christianity, a white horse is a sign of death whereas a black horse denotes evil and destructive nature. The animal also symbolises courage, speed, nobleness, generosity and resurrection.

  • Celtic culture: According to the Celts from central Europe, horses were seen as their first deity and a symbol of the Sun.

  • African culture: According to some cultures in Africa, horses denote confidence, nobleness, fortitude, heroism, battle and victory.

  • Native American: In the ancient and medieval American culture, horses represented freedom or a token of war. 


Elegant Seven Horse Decor

A wall art depicting the lucky seven horses can be placed on south wall of the living room. Consider a wooden seven horses wall art for the southeast direction.

Source: Pinterest


What is the story of 7 horses painting?

Seven horses have a special significance in various cultures. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Indra, the king of Devas, has a seven-headed white horse named Uchchaihshravas. The Sun god or Lord Surya&#;s gold-gilded chariot, Aditya Ratha, is drawn by seven horses and charioteer Aruna. Many neo-Baroque paintings of the Greek god Apollo depict the sun chariot driven seven horses.

Several Hindu temples are designed to have four doors signifying the four stages of life: Dharma (right views), Artha (the ethical accumulation of wealth), Kama (a holistic view on pleasure) and Moksha (spiritual freedom). Horses are carved on the Artha door as they represent money and abundance.


Full HD lucky seven horses images

Source: Pinterest 

Source: Pinterest


Housing.com News Viewpoint

According to Vastu and Feng Shui, the horse is among the auspicious animal symbols. Keeping paintings or figurines of horses can positively influence different aspects of life. When deciding a suitable placement for a seven horse photo, make sure you have determined the purpose or benefit you want to achieve. For example, if you are looking for success or fame in your field, choose the south wall. You can consult a Vastu expert to know the significance of different Vastu directions.



Is 7 horse painting good for home?

Hanging the seven horses painting in the house is known to be auspicious, as per Vastu Shastra. Placing it in the right direction will attract prosperity and balance the energies in the house.

Which colour horse painting is good for home?

According to Vastu Shatra, one should choose a painting of seven white horses. The colour white signifies peace and purity and helps attract positive vibes.

Where do you keep the 7 horse picture in office?

To attract growth and prosperity, one can place the seven-horse painting on the south wall in the office. Make sure the painting faces inside the office.

Can we keep 3 running-horse-painting is good for home?

The number 7 when selecting horse painting is recommended in Vastu Shastra as it considered lucky and helps in removal of financial problems. Hence, one should opt for a 7 running horse photo instead of three running horses.

How many horses in a horse painting are considered lucky?

Choose a painting that has seven running horses. The number seven is considered auspicious according to Vastu Shastra. Moreover, Lord Sun&#;s chariot also has seven horses.

Can you place a painting of a single running horse at home?

According to Vastu Shastra principles, one should avoid placing a painting depicting a single running horse. You can choose a painting of odd number of running horses such as seven running horses, which is considered auspicious.

Is horse showpiece good for home?

Keeping a horse statue at home is considered auspicious as it signifies energy, success, happiness and prosperity. As per Vastu, one must keep horse figurines in the south corner. Make sure that the horse statue does not face any door or window.

Can we keep two horses painting at home?

According to Vastu, one can keep the two horse painting in the house. If the horses are depicted in the painting as running horses, it is considered auspicious as they represent success and speed. In Feng Shui, a pair of horses symbolise strong relationship between two individual partners.

What does 7 running horses mean?

Seven horses, depicted in paintings, denote speed and growth. Thus, keeping such paintings is considered auspicious, especially for working professionals.

What is the name of 7 horse?

According to the Hindu mythology, the chariot of Lord Sun is drawn by seven horses. These horses represent the seven colours of the rainbow and the seven days of the week. The name of these hrses are Gayatri, Brihati, Ushnih, Jagati, Trishtubha, Anushtubha and Pankti.

Which God is on horse?

Hindu deities &#; the Sun God (Surya), the Wind God (Vayu) and the king of devas Indra have horses as their mounts.

Which direction should 7 horses face?

According to Vastu, the south direction is associated with success and fame. So, make sure the seven horses face the Vastu recommended direction. You can also consider southeast for placing the seven horse painting.

Can I keep a horse at my house?

According to the law in India, one can keep horses as pets in their property.

How many years can a horse leave?

The average lifespan of horses is 25 to 30 years. However, they can live up to 50 or 60 years in some cases.

How to attract wealth in Vastu?

Place a seven horse painting on the south wall of your living room to attract wealth.

Is it good to gift 7 horse painting?

A seven horse painting is considered auspicious according to Vastu Shastra. The painting brings positive effects in a person&#;s life and can be an ideal gift option.

What are the side effects of 7 horses painting?

It is considered inauspicious to place the lucky 7-horse painting in areas such as bathrooms, toilets, bedrooms, and the pooja room. When placed in these locations, it can attract bad luck and negative energy.

Which Nakshatra symbol is horse?

Ashwini Nakshatra is symbolised by Horse&#;s head, which signifies the beginnings, power and dignity.

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Harini is a content management professional with over 12 years of experience. She has contributed articles for various domains, including real estate, finance, health and travel insurance and e-governance. She has in-depth experience in writing well-researched articles on property trends, infrastructure, taxation, real estate projects and related topics. A Bachelor of Science with Honours in Physics, Harini prefers reading motivational books and keeping abreast of the latest developments in the real estate sector.

7 Running Horses Painting Vastu: Direction, Importance ...

Decorating your house involves showcasing creativity and style, and paintings have long been a favoured choice. From ancient times to the present, people have adorned their walls with art to enhance their homes.Today, creating a trendy and Vastu-compliant home is in vogue, offering aesthetic appeal along with potential Vastu benefits. Explore the significance of the 7 running horses painting in Vastu and learn how to incorporate it effectively with these Vastu tips for enhancing your living space.

The Significance of 7 Horses Painting as Per Vastu

(Horse Painting Vastu Significance)

Horses are always associated with strength, valour, hard work, resilience, courage and other such strong and affable qualities. Horses have found an important place in ancient mythologies, and their friendly nature makes them excellent companions. A running horse Vastu signifies power and success, qualities aspired by many.

Vastu recommends hanging a 7 running horses painting in your house for good luck, success, and power. Hanging this painting as per Vastu guidelines is considered highly auspicious for growth and good luck. When placed in the optimum 7 running horse painting Vastu direction, it has the potential to drive away negative energy and fill your space with rich, positive energy.

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7 Horse Photo Frame Vastu Reasoning

Although the importance of running horse paintings in homes has already been explored, here are some additional justifications for why you ought to have a galloping horse painting in your house:

  1. The presence of a 7-horse painting in your home, according to Vasta Shastra, secures your capacity to make ends meet.
  2. The significance of horses is determined by placement because they were once a common source of transportation and because Venus is also a symbol of horses.
  3. The significance of various colours used in horse paintings is further explained by horse scenery vastu. Mars is represented by the red background. It is believed to increase self-esteem and confidence. Saturn is linked to the colour blue, which encourages harmony. The planet Venus, which makes your loved ones happy, is represented by the horses.
  4. Horses in motion are symbols of speed. You can hang it on the east wall of your house, workplace, or lodge, depending on where you want to watch activities progress.
  5. Horses are also seen as a symbol of speed, bravery, and tenacity in Feng Shui. A gorgeous pattern of eight galloping horses is meant to bring success and wealth into the house. Eight running horses stand in for the following things: career, marriage, health, children, personal growth, recognition, education, and happiness.

Seven Horses Painting Direction in Home as per Vastu for Growth and Stability in Life

(7 horses painting direction according to Vastu is on the East wall of your house to promote success and a positive flow of energy)

7 horse wallpaper Vastu signifies growth and strength to face any situation in life. Vastu Shastra recommends 7 running horse Vastu direction so that the paintings match your taste and they are compatible with the house. Depending on the direction, the 7-horse photo frame Vastu is associated with different luck-bringing factors. Let&#;s take a look at how the placement of a particular 7 running horses running Vastu direction in the home affects the residents.

Direction as per Vastu Effect of the seven horses painting in the directionSouthFame and SuccessNorthProsperityEastGrowth

Based on the direction of placement, 7 horses painting Vastu is associated with different factors. If the placement of the seven-horse images as per Vastu is in the South direction, it is associated with fame and success. Similarly, a north placed 7 horse painting Vastu direction in home denotes prosperity whereas an East placed Vastu horse direction in home signifies career growth. 

Seven Running Horse Vastu: The Best Room to Place The 7 White Horse Images as Per Vastu

(Seven running Horse Vastu)

Although, we have already mentioned the significance of Vastu's lucky seven horses and the ideal 7 horse Vastu direction in the home for placement, here are some more reasons if you are still considering getting a 7-horse painting. 

  • 7 horse painting with sunrise signify speed. Hanging in your room, office or any other space in the east direction or wall, 7 horse painting with sunrise benefits in bringing speed to any stuck activity and helps in its advancement.
  • Horses were used as a mode of transport not long ago. It is a direct symbolization of the Goddess Venus and hence, the placement of a 7-horse image of Vastu is considered very auspicious. 
  • A 7 running horse painting Vastu also signifies strong monetary benefits as well. 

Points To Consider When Placing Running Horse Images Vastu

(Points to consider when placing running horse images Vastu)

While planning to place seven running horses painting in your home, take care of the following:

  • Choose a running horse wallpaper Vastu with peaceful expressions. Never go for a 7 running horse Vastu painting with an aggressive impression. While the seven white horses running Vastu with a peaceful expression can bring prosperity and good luck, a 7-horse painting with an aggressive expression is considered a harbinger of bad luck as per Vastu. 
  • Pick 7 white horse images Vastu. The white colour symbolises peace and tranquillity and promotes success and growth. White colour is considered to be the best suited for 7 running horses painting Vastu. 
  • Don&#;t hang the painting in any other direction than the specified 7 horse Vastu direction in a home. Hanging the 7 running horses painting in the wrong direction can have a bad impact and harmful consequences as per Vastu. 
  • Choose a positive background with bright settings. While placing a 7 running horse painting as per Vastu, make sure you don&#;t have a dull background.  
  • An important thing to consider is the impression you personally get from the 7 running horse painting. If it doesn&#;t impress you, make you happy or motivate you, you shouldn&#;t consider buying it. 
  • The bedroom is not considered an ideal room for the placement of a running horse painting. Vastu also advises against placing the painting in the bathroom, study, main entrance or pooja room. 
  • Make sure the horses are aligned symmetrically in the painting and they are running on the ground. Vastu advises against placing a painting of 7 running horses on water. 
  • Make sure to select a painting of running horses Vastu with an odd number of horses. Avoid a single running horse painting as it is inauspicious as per Vastu. 
  • The horses should be shown completely, If the horses are incomplete, consider buying a different painting. 
  • If you are someone who is struggling with self-esteem issues, Vastu recommends 7 running horses painting with a red background. 
  • A blue background invites peace and harmony and should be considered if you are looking for that.
  • Emphasise the size of the painting to match your room&#;s space.
  • Use a Vastu-compliant medium like wood or canvas. Avoid hanging a painting made with paper used as the medium. 
  • It is considered very auspicious to hang a seven running horse painting as per Vastu. It is associated with providing financial stability, growth, harmony, peace etc. 

In which Room Should you Place the 7 Horse Painting at Home?

The 7 Horse Painting, as per Vastu, is ideally placed in the North or North-West direction of your home or office. This direction is associated with Kuber, the lord of wealth and prosperity, and is believed to enhance financial stability and success. Hanging the painting in this strategic location is believed to invite wealth, success, and positive energy into your life. However, it's essential to ensure that the painting is positioned at eye level and not too high or too low for optimal Vastu benefits.

The Optimum 7 Horse Painting Vastu Direction in an Office

(The Optimum 7 horse painting Vastu direction in An Office)

For people looking for success at their workplaces, Vastu recommends hanging 7 running horse paintings on the premises. The south wall is considered to be the optimum 7-horse Vastu direction in the office. It is important to follow the guidelines established by Vastu Shastra and know the 7 running horses painting vastu direction in office while placing a running horse painting in the office for optimum results.

Seven Horses with Sunrise Vastu Significance

(Seven horses with Sunrise Vastu Significance)

A 7 running horse painting with a sunrise background is a very auspicious decor as per Vastu. The benefits of the seven running horses painting combined with the rising sun background symbolise a positive turn and bring lots of positivity to the environment. Seven white horses running Vastu painting is aesthetically pleasing to look as well. You can consider placing this in your living room for the best results. 

Can I Place 7 Running Horses Painting in the Bedroom as Per Vastu?

(Can I Place 7 running horses painting in the bedroom as per Vastu?)

Vastu shastra recommends against placing a seven running horse painting in the bedroom. The same is true for a pooja room, study, bath and toilet. It is considered to be very inauspicious to place the seven-running horse Vastu painting in these rooms as they can bring bad luck and negative energy to the surrounding. 

Symbolism of Horses in Vastu and Feng Shui

Horses hold significant symbolism in both Vastu and Feng Shui, representing various positive attributes and energies:

In Vastu Shastra:

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian system of architectural design and layout that focuses on harmonising the built environment with natural forces and energies.

Strength and Power: Horses are seen as symbols of strength, vitality, and power. They represent the ability to overcome obstacles and achieve success through hard work and determination.

Progress and Achievement: The seven running horses painting, in particular, is associated with progress and achievement. It signifies speedy growth and advancement in various aspects of life, including career and business.

Financial Prosperity: Horses are also linked to financial prosperity and wealth. Placing horse symbols or paintings in specific areas of the home is believed to attract wealth and abundance.

Positive Energy: Horses are known for their positive and vibrant energy. Having horse symbols in your living space is thought to bring in positivity and create a harmonious atmosphere.

In Feng Shui:

Feng Shui is a Chinese practice of arranging the environment to promote balance, harmony, and positive energy flow.

Success and Fame: In Feng Shui, horses are associated with the south sector, which represents fame and recognition. Placing horse figurines or artwork in the south area of your home or office is believed to enhance your reputation and career success.

Protection: Horse symbols are also considered protective in Feng Shui. They are believed to guard against negative energies and promote a safe and secure environment.

Forward Momentum: Similar to Vastu, horses in Feng Shui symbolise progress and forward momentum. They encourage individuals to move past obstacles and achieve their goals.

Balance: Feng Shui emphasises the importance of balance and harmony in the living space. Horses are seen as symbols of balance, both in their physical form and their representation of inner balance and strength. Both Vastu and Feng Shui recognise the positive qualities associated with horses and use them as powerful symbols to enhance various aspects of life, including success, prosperity, protection, and overall well-being.

Meaning and Benefits of 3 Horse Painting

A painting featuring three horses carries specific meanings and benefits in various cultural and spiritual contexts, including Vastu and Feng Shui:

1. Power, Success, and Victory: Three horses in a painting often symbolise a powerful trio that represents success, victory, and overcoming challenges. These qualities are highly regarded in Vastu and Feng Shui, making this painting an auspicious choice for those seeking achievement and triumph in their endeavors.

2. Enhanced Energy Flow: In Vastu and Feng Shui, the arrangement and depiction of objects play a crucial role. A three-horse painting is believed to enhance the flow of positive energy (chi or prana) in the space where it's displayed. It promotes an environment of dynamic energy, which can inspire progress and motivation.

3. Boosted Career and Business: Many people choose to place a three-horse painting in their offices or workplaces. It is thought to bring good fortune to one's career and business pursuits, fostering leadership qualities and helping individuals climb the ladder of success.

4. Protection: Horses, being strong and agile creatures, are also seen as symbols of protection in both Vastu and Feng Shui. A three-horse painting is believed to ward off negative energies and obstacles, creating a shield of positivity around the space.

5. Balance and Harmony: Horses, when depicted together, can also represent the balance of mind, body, and spirit. This balance is essential for overall well-being and is aligned with the principles of harmony emphasised in Feng Shui.

6. Artistic Aesthetics: Beyond their symbolic meanings, three-horse paintings can simply be appreciated for their artistic beauty and the sense of movement and vitality they bring to a room.

To maximise the benefits of a three-horse painting, consider its placement within your living or working space. In Vastu and Feng Shui, the positioning of such artworks is often guided by the specific intentions and energies you wish to enhance.

How Can NoBroker Help?

It is considered very auspicious to place 7 Running Horses Painting Vastu. Make sure you pay attention to the guidelines specified for the positioning and 7 horse Vastu direction in the home. The 7 running horses painting Vastu is a great way to spruce up your decor and add a brilliant, inspiring touch to any space. If you are looking for such inspired, Vastu-compliant interior designs, get in touch with the designing experts at NoBroker. Our best-in-class professionals guarantee the timely completion of all projects with great customer satisfaction. Why wait anymore! Comment about any of your real estate needs and our executive team will be in touch with you soon. 


Q1. What is the ideal seven horses painting direction in the home?         

Ans. A 7 running horses painting symbolises strength, perseverance, peace and growth. As discussed, the optimum direction for placing a 7 running horse painting is on the south wall. Similarly, you can also consider the North and the East walls for placing a 7 running horse painting. The north direction is associated with prosperity while placing the painting in the East will invite career growth opportunities for you.

Q2. Which is the best 7 running horses painting Vastu-compliant?

Ans. It is considered very auspicious to place 7 Running Horses Painting as per Vastu. Vastu recommends a 7 white horse painting for the most favourable results.    

Q3. What are the benefits of running horse wallpaper?

Ans. Installing running horse wallpaper benefits your space by creating an ambiance of dynamism and vitality, enhancing mood and inspiring action.

Q4. Can I place a painting of a single running horse?

Ans. Vastu advises against placing a single running horse painting in your home. Consider placing an odd number of running horses like seven running horses painting Vastu for the most favourable results. 

Q5.Which is the ideal 7 running horses painting vastu direction in-house to get optimal benefits?

Ans. The most auspicious placement is on the North or East wall to attract prosperity and progress.

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