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How Is Prilled Urea Produced and Used?

Author: Ruby

Jul. 02, 2024

58 0 0

How Is Prilled Urea Produced and Used?

Producing prilled ureaprilled urea involves a series of steps to create uniform spherical pellets of urea that are commonly used in the agricultural industry as a nitrogen fertilizer. Here is a step-by-step guide on how prilled urea is produced and used:

Production Process:

1. Ammonia Synthesis: The production of prilled urea starts with the synthesis of ammonia by reacting natural gas with steam at high temperatures and pressures in the presence of a catalyst.2. Urea Synthesis: The next step involves combining ammonia with carbon dioxide under high temperatures and pressures to form urea. This reaction takes place in a urea synthesis reactor.3. Prilling: The urea solution is then fed into a prilling tower, where it is sprayed through a nozzle and cooled using air or water. This process helps in forming small droplets, which solidify into prills as they fall to the bottom of the tower.4. Drying and Cooling: The prills are then dried and cooled to reduce their moisture content and ensure storage stability. This step is crucial to prevent caking and agglomeration of the prills.


1. Fertilizer Application: Prilled urea is widely used as a nitrogen fertilizer in agriculture to promote plant growth and increase crop yields. It provides a readily available source of nitrogen for plants to absorb.2. Top-Dressing: Farmers commonly apply prilled urea as a top-dressing fertilizer by spreading the prills on the soil surface around the base of the plants. This method helps in supplying a quick boost of nitrogen to the growing crops.3. Blending: Prilled urea can be blended with other fertilizers, such as phosphorus and potassium, to create custom nutrient mixes tailored to specific crop requirements. This ensures balanced nutrition for optimal plant growth.4. Rice Cultivation: Prilled urea is particularly beneficial for rice cultivation, where it is often broadcasted or side-dressed to provide the nitrogen needed for vigorous growth and development of the rice plants.In conclusion, prilled urea is produced through a precise manufacturing process involving ammonia synthesis, urea synthesis, prilling, and drying. It is then used as a versatile nitrogen fertilizer in agriculture to enhance soil fertility and support plant growth. Its spherical shape and uniform size make it easy to handle and apply, making it a preferred choice for farmers worldwide.

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