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How to Manage a Full Plate and Still Grow Your Business ...

Author: Jeremiah

Jan. 13, 2025

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How to Manage a Full Plate and Still Grow Your Business ...


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Ever feel like you&#;re running at full capacity and still not getting everything done? We&#;ve all been there! This back-to-school season will also come with new things to consider adding to your already full plate. If you&#;ve had a business for more than three years, you know it&#;s coming&#; opportunities to fill up your calendar with new trainings, activities for the kids, and business trips to plan and close out your year. Given this common fall flurry of evaluations and additions to your already full plate, I wanted to share with you my personal filter system. There are three things that I have been asking myself over the last 13 years that have helped me decide for myself based on my priorities: what to participate in, purchase, or remove from my plate. There are so many examples.

However, before I share my three filters for evaluating what to add to my plate or remove, I want to give you one heck of an opportunity today that ends on Monday, August 12, , at 5 p.m. CST. You have a chance to enter to win a guest spot on this podcast! Sign up for my newsletter, and you will be entered!

Imagine being a guest on the Mom Founder Imagination Hub, sharing your story, and inspiring thousands of fellow mompreneurs. This week, I&#;m offering you a chance to win a spot on my podcast!

All you have to do is visit www.fertileideas.com and sign up for my newsletter between today and the next six days. By signing up, you&#;ll not only stay updated with the latest tips and strategies to grow your business, but you&#;ll also be entered into a drawing for a guest spot on my show.

There are a host of sections where you can sign-up on my website from the networking playbook, to grabbing a chapter of my book fertile imagination, or taking 5 minutes if you are stuck to take the quiz.

Don&#;t miss out on this amazing opportunity to elevate your brand and reach a wider audience. I&#;ll announce the lucky winner in next week&#;s episode. So head over to www.fertileideas.com right now and sign up.  Rules apply: listen to the episode for those rules to win.

Let&#;s jump into this episode. Today, I share a personal story from my book Fertile Imagination about the time I invested in Tony Robbins&#; Business Mastery live event. It was a big investment&#;$10K for five days, plus travel to Florida and time away from my three kids. But the chance to feel reinvigorated was worth it, so I jumped on the early bird discount.

I&#;m diving into the idea of having a &#;full plate&#; and how, as mom founders, we can navigate the flood of opportunities that come our way. I&#;ll share three key filters &#; alignment, better way, and transferability which I use to decide whether to take on new opportunities, even when things feel overwhelming.

So, before you say, &#;I have too much on my plate,&#; consider these filters. It might not be about adding more, but about replacing what doesn&#;t align with your current goals with something that does.

Tune in to hear how these filters can help you make informed decisions, prioritize what&#;s important, and grow both personally and professionally. Whether you&#;re navigating a busy schedule or looking to seize new opportunities, these insights are here to help you thrive!

In this episode, you will hear:

  • How you can enter a drawing to be a podcast guest on the Mom Founder Imagination Hub i.e. sign-up for any of the free resources on www.fertileideas.com by August 12th, by 5pm CST to be eligible to win this drawing. Winners will be emailed. Listen to details today. You can be my next podcast guest! Mom founders you want visibility. Enter the contest by simply signing up for anything on www.fertileideas.com
  • Using specific filters to evaluate new personal and professional growth opportunities, such as urgency, alignment, and growth potential.
  • How to periodically reassess what&#;s on your plate to ensure it reflects your current priorities and goals.
  • Ideas on creatively rearranging commitments to manage time zones and deadlines effectively which requires expansive thinking i.e. your imagination.
  • Ways to see whether new business growth strategies can enhance your current methods and whether they are justified to go on your plate.
  • The key to determining if learning a new skill is worthwhile especially if you have lots of other options available to you i.e. are there key skills that are higher value like networking?
  • An easy decision-making framework Melissa has used over the last 13-years to determine whether to invest in a particular course, community, or event when her plate has been busy i.e. three kids, global relocations, and life.

Imagine being a guest on the Mom Founder Imagination Hub, sharing your story, and inspiring thousands of fellow mompreneurs. This week, I&#;m offering you a chance to win a spot on my podcast!

All you have to do is visit www.fertileideas.com and sign up for my newsletter between today and the next six days. By signing up, you&#;ll not only stay updated with the latest tips and strategies to grow your business, but you&#;ll also be entered into a drawing for a guest spot on my show.

There are a host of sections where you can sign-up on my website from the networking playbook, to grabbing a chapter of my book fertile imagination, or taking 5 minutes if you are stuck to take the quiz.

Don&#;t miss out on this amazing opportunity to elevate your brand and reach a wider audience. I&#;ll announce the lucky winner in next week&#;s episode. So head over to www.fertileideas.com right now and sign up.  

 About Melissa Llarena

I&#;m a bestselling author (learn more on www.fertileideas.com), imagination coach behind the Fertile Imagination to Networking Success Group Coaching Program, consultant, speaker, contributor to ForbesWomen articles that have garnered 4 million-plus views, and the podcast host of the Mom Founder Imagination Hub. Featured guests include GaryVee, Beth Comstock, Suzy Batiz, David Meltzer, and hundreds of other unconventional thinkers. Melissa has been featured in the WSJ, Business Insider, Fox Business, CNN Money, The Huffington Post, and other publications. She holds a psychology degree from NYU, an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, and a Transformational Coaching Academy certificate and is training to become a meditation practitioner. Melissa lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband and three sons (one singleton and a set of identical twins).

Quotes, that can change your perspective:

&#;Networking is so transferable and it is not going away and it is how deals are done.&#; -Melissa Llarena

&#;Your capability is constant. But how much of it you use depends upon who you think you really are.&#; &#; Tony Robbins

&#;I know that you&#;re going to have a lot on your plate. This is not going to change. There are ways however to reimagine what gets to be on your plate and what doesn&#;t.&#; &#; Melissa Llarena

&#;I don&#;t want you to miss out on an opportunity that makes sense just because you have a lot on your plate. THIS is where you can use your superpower &#; your fertile imagination.&#; &#; Melissa Llarena

SHARE this episode and head over to fertileideas.com and sign up for our newsletter within the next six days. You&#;ll gain access to valuable insights, a chance to participate in our raffle, and the opportunity to be featured on the podcast. Don&#;t miss out&#;act now to unlock your next big opportunity!

Supporting Resources:

Schedule a free call to see if Fertile Imagination to Networking Success my signature program is the right fit: https://www.melissallarena.com/sessions/

Podcast: Mom Founder Imagination Hub: https://www.melissallarena.com/podcast/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/MelissaLlarena/

Or, grab for free your copy of the &#;From Contact to Connection: The Mompreneur&#;s Go-First Networking & Follow Up Playbook&#;: https://witty-thinker-.ck.page/21e52edb87 

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00:00:00 Melissa: There are three things that I filter opportunities through that I invite you to consider the next time you feel like you have a lot on your plate and you&#;re not able to add on something else. So here we go. First thing, and it really comes from the Tony Robbins moment, and so I&#;m just going to highlight it right now. First thing is alignment. So alignment for me means, you know, is this something that truly, deeply, meaningfully aligns with the real me?

00:00:00 Melissa: Welcome to the Mom Founder Imagination Hub, your weekly podcast to inspire you to dream bigger, plan out how you&#;re going to get to that next level in business, find the energy to keep going, and make sure your creative juices are flowing so that this way you get what you really want rather than having to settle. Get ready to discover how mom founders have reimagined entrepreneurship and motherhood. 

00:01:00 Melissa: Ever wonder how they do it? Tune in to find out and stretch yourself by also learning from diverse entrepreneurs who might not be moms, but who have lessons you can tailor about how you can disrupt industries and step way outside of your comfort zone. I believe every mom&#;s superpower is her imagination. In this podcast, I&#;m going to give you the mindset, methods and tools to unleash yours. Sounds good? Then keep listening.

00:01:30 Melissa: Hi there, it&#;s Melissa. So let&#;s talk about having a Full Plate. This is so important because I think that there are ways that we might want to rethink of what is actually on our plates so that this way we don&#;t miss out on opportunities. I know as a mom, as a founder, there is a lot that I can be doing in terms of building my business, in terms of nurturing my family. And a lot of those things have their own timestamps. 

00:02:01 Melissa: And I might hear of a great thing going on, that is, let&#;s say, you know, an hour from now and I can&#;t quite get to it, but I have to make a decision now. Or I might hear a coach offering a wonderful opportunity and the timing just doesn&#;t feel right because I have a lot on my plate. Well, we&#;re going to address on this episode for mom founders, just like you and me who are really, really busy, how you might want to rethink what exactly gets to be on your plate. 

00:02:31 Melissa: Okay, so I am so excited about this conversation because here&#;s the thing, I hear it all the time. I get how emotionally we have a lot of things going on as moms and also from an entrepreneurial perspective, there&#;s so much that is happening that is outside of our control. So we might feel like we have almost, like the world&#;s burdens on our shoulders. And that translates to saying that idea that you have a lot on your plate. 

00:02:59 Melissa: Let&#;s go to a time when I felt that exact same way and I had to renegotiate what would be on my plate because of the simple fact that I heard a better opportunity or something that would make a lot more sense to actually have on my plate because it aligns with my desires and my progress going forward. 

00:03:25 Melissa: I attended, this was now, when was this? This has been years now, it was pre-pandemic and Tony Robbins had an amazing business mastery event. It&#;s in person, it was in Florida at the time and I was living in what I call in my book, Fertile Imagination, Fancy Town, Connecticut. And I had to make a game time decision. 

00:03:49 Melissa: Here&#;s the thing, if you&#;re ever, ever interested in attending an event that Tony Robbins does, or even having a conversation with someone that has these like high ticket events, there&#;s always gonna be a timeline. There&#;s always going to be, you know, an act now at this investment level, because you&#;re never gonna get it as low in price.

00:04:14 Melissa: And so for me, same idea when it came to Tony Robbins business mastery event, right? It was like, okay, if you&#;re able to make the commitment today right now, without even looking at your calendar, then you&#;re going to get to go for a less&#; a lesser price. So for me at that moment, I can&#;t say that I arrived to the call, you know, already knowing that that particular time frame was going to work for me. I can&#;t say that I already had all the funds assembled and I can&#;t say that my plate was not already full. 

00:04:47 Melissa: I mean, I have three little boys and so for me, it starts full, right? So I wake up and I already have like, you know, this amazing feast of fullness when it comes to my plates. So I had to make the decision. And the thing is this. A Tony Robbins event, this one, it was five days away from the family. It also meant I had to, like figure out, you know, hotel and I had to figure out how my kids were going to continue to get fed and brought to school. 

00:05:18 Melissa: So there was a lot that now felt like would be on my plate if I took on this opportunity to attend the event. So, you know, as I was really contemplating, if it made sense for me, at that exact time, I really took and I bit the bullet. I was just like, you know what? Yes. I said yes before I had taken things off my plate for that time or that five day period. Before I had it all figured out, I was able to take advantage of that investment level, that timeframe. Because ultimately, Tony Robbins and what he had to offer was in alignment with what I needed at the time. 

00:06:03 Melissa: And that is going to inform these three ideas, these three things that I want you to really consider if you are ever in a position where you&#;re listening to a podcast or maybe you are, you know, watching your inbox and those emails that have a sense of urgency in terms of act now, buy this, call me. And I want you to just pass them through a filter because I don&#;t want you to miss out on an opportunity that makes sense just because you have a lot on your plate. 

00:06:34 Melissa: There is so much going on and unfortunately, the world&#;s calendar does not align with your calendar. I know that&#;s the case for me. I know that&#;s the case for a lot of moms. You might be operating in a school calendar that is in the southern states in the United States or in the northern states in the United States. So different things are going to be happening for you at different moments in a year, which is obvious. But at the same time, you&#;re gonna be presented with different opportunities that also will conflict. 

Contact us to discuss your requirements of wearing plate. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.

00:07:10 Melissa: And so that is what we&#;re going to address right now. How might you want to imagine what should go on your plate or what could be taken off your plate so that this way you do not miss out on opportunities that are really gonna help you in terms of your business growth. All right, my beautiful mom founder. So here we go.

00:07:28 Melissa: Let&#;s just imagine this. And I wanna just go back to the Tony Robbins thing. I almost feel like I need to do an episode on the magnets on my refrigerator because I feel like they tell a story. But as it relates to this episode about having a lot on your plate and is your plate maxed out, right? I have a magnet. If you&#;re looking at this in YouTube, first of all, it&#;s gonna be a mirror image so it might be hard to read. But this is my magnet. I&#;m actually showing it to you, and I will read it out loud. 

00:07:59 Melissa: It says, and this is from the Tony Robbins event that I just spoke to. So your capability is constant, but how much of it you use depends upon who you think you really are. So for me, it aligns with this conversation because your plate might always be full. But I know for a fact. I just know it because anyone that&#;s gonna found their own business or co-found a solution or own a business, you already have a sense of optimism in the sense that you can do it. Somehow you already come to the table feeling capable and I want you to bring that same capacity to the opportunities that come your way.

00:08:49 Melissa: All right, so I wanted to just share my refrigerator magnet. I feel like, again, we should really do an episode on that because it says a lot about me and I&#;m sure it says a lot about you. And yeah, of course I have my kids&#; artwork and all of their certificates on my refrigerator too. So that Tony Robbins was one event. Again, there are three things that I filter opportunities through that I invite you to consider the next time you feel like you have a lot on your plate and you&#;re not able to add on something else. So here we go. 

00:09:26 Melissa: First thing, and it really comes from the Tony Robbins moment. And so I&#;m just going to highlight it right now. First thing is alignment. So alignment for me means, you know, is this something that truly, deeply, meaningfully aligns with the real me? Okay, so here&#;s where that came into play. During the pandemic, me and my family were living in Australia. And I will say that I felt like I had a lot on my plate. I am 100% positive, you felt like you had a lot on your plate during the pandemic. And I had to make a decision at that time. 

00:10:06 Melissa: There were Facebook ads. And as a business owner, I&#;m sure you&#;ve known that a lot of things happen. We can call it Meta, call it Facebook. But at the end of the day, Facebook ads were no longer working as well as they used to be. And I had to make a decision as a mom founder myself. I had to decide, am I going to take my finite mental capacity and purchase a course or hire an expert who I already knew of right now to figure out how to fix my Facebook ads. This was during the pandemic moment. I was homeschooling my three children and they were not independent. 

00:10:44 Melissa: I feel like I need to say that because that was my reality. It was not the case that I could just sit them in front of a computer and they would just be like self-directed going through the modules. No, these are three boys that like to bug each other perpetually. This is like a sport for them. So in that context, I had a lot on my plate. And I had to think to myself, okay, I can absolutely pour my finite energy to fixing these Facebook ad issues, right, or Meta issues. Or I could use this moment to really think about what is in alignment with what I want to do. What is in alignment with who I truly am? What is something that I would do even if I&#;m so tired, I&#;m still going to do it? 

00:11:29 Melissa: Or even if all my child care solutions have fallen apart, I&#;m going to make a way to do it. And for me, at that time during the pandemic, it was to write a book, which I did, Fertile Imagination. I decided to write a book when I had a ton on my plate. And it was also during the moment of relocating back to the United States from the other side of the world, the other hemisphere technically. So there was a lot going on to say the least. And I said to myself, this was all like, you know, speaking like Shakespeare, I suppose I said to myself, self, okay, you have a lot going on. However, this moment in time is so unique. You can actually like, go into a retreat mode and not be seen and work on this book that you&#;ve always wanted to work on. And that was a lot to add on to a plate. 

00:12:27 Melissa: So here&#;s where alignment comes into place. Let&#;s say there&#;s an opportunity that comes your way and that opportunity feels like a ton of work. However, it takes you in the direction that you want to go and there is something currently on your plate that is taking you in the old direction that you were going, which you want to change or pivot or move away from. That is the perfect opportunity for you to grasp or go and actually make good on that new opportunity and let go of what is no longer serving you. 

00:13:04 Melissa: So for me, the first idea is, is it in alignment? If it is in alignment, you&#;ve got to look at your plate and then you&#;ve got to decide for yourself, what do I have on my plate right now that is actually no longer in alignment? So that is a swap that you can make so that you do not miss out on an opportunity that is once in a lifetime or once in a quarter or with someone that you really admire or doing something that is gonna help you grow or working with someone that&#;s gonna push you. So alignment, right? And looking at your plate, right? 

00:13:37 Melissa: Your plate could have a bunch of lettuce and that&#;s wonderful. Or your plate can have a bunch of brownies and that&#;s not as wonderful if you&#;re like, mindful of sugar and health and stuff. So same plate, but it&#;s a swap, right? So that is one filter. Is it in alignment? Then it&#;s worth it. Take advantage of that opportunity. 

00:13:55 Melissa: Okay, here&#;s the second way that you can filter an opportunity that is time-bound is coming your way, but you&#;ve got a lot on your plate. So the second way is really about this idea. Is it a better way? Okay, so here&#;s what I know to be true. In terms of that moment in time, we&#;ll call that my paid ads era. And now we&#;re in the organic era, if we&#;re into that era language. Is it a better way of meeting prospective clients as an example for me? That was a decision I had to also make and it was another point in time. That is more in the recent months for me right now.

00:14:39 Melissa: And what was really important was, okay, I know that either way you slice it, there&#;s a lot of work that needs to happen. And I also know that my business idea, helping a mom founder, helping you reach out to people so that this way you talk to the right people, have the right conversations, and you just like blast open the doors of your success in terms of business growth, that matters enough and it&#;s so worthy of doing hard work.

00:15:07 Melissa: So whether it&#;s paid ads as my entree or it&#;s organic as my other entree to meeting wonderful women just like yourself, either way you slice it a lot on my plate. So I had to really make a choice again. Is it a better way? So that&#;s my second filter. First one is alignment, second one, better way. Is it a better way? I will say this, gotta say, and I know a lot of entrepreneurs were maybe a little bit in the bitter barn when it came to, like, the Facebook or the Meta ad. You know, switches and changes from a tech perspective back in, I think it was or so. But for me, I feel like I&#;m a little bit more in control when it comes to organics. 

00:15:47 Melissa: For me, when I in my inbox saw something coming from Jasmine Star, actually, I don&#;t know if you follow her, but she&#;s excellent in terms of social media, in terms of go-to-market strategy. When I saw something in my inbox, I wasn&#;t even paying attention before. And that something said, here&#;s a new launch, a strategy, it could help you double your launches from prior times, and here&#;s exactly how you can do it. You got to join this masterclass right now. I took advantage of that. 

00:16:17 Melissa: For me, I saw that as, like, once in a lifetime opportunity. This is the first time she&#;s launching this. She&#;s doing a masterclass, which is free. She&#;s also going to have, you know, like a step by step process and like templates I could, like follow to the T. I&#;m taking advantage of this, even though there was a lot on my plate. What was on my plate? My goodness, what wasn&#;t on my plate? I was creating my Fertile Imagination to networking success group coaching program in parallel to actually participating in Jasmine Star&#;s program, which had to do with launching that group coaching program later on. 

00:17:00 Melissa: So I had to really like, fly the plane, build the plane, and make sure no one died. And that is often entrepreneurship and it&#;s also motherhood by the way. So is it a better way? That is the second filter that you might want to apply when you feel like I have a lot on my plate. Is it a better way? For me, it was a better way. What did that mean for me? That meant that rather than, you know, really stressing out about, okay, what&#;s the new way in terms of Meta ads or Facebook ads or like, what&#;s the targeting that I can do in terms of those ads that I could instead focus on, okay, what&#;s gonna work from an organic perspective? 

00:17:40 Meissa: And so that was something that I had to reach a decision point at a specific time. It couldn&#;t be on my time. I wish I got offers exactly when I needed them. I remember going back to the book example, you know, when I got my final manuscript edited, completed, the last day of school of my three boys. Is that the most ideal time to have your three boys during the summer finishing your manuscript? No, it&#;s not. But again my plate was full, but I figured out what I could shuffle around or take off my plate. And my capacity is constant. 

00:18:16 Melissa: And I firmly believe that there is not one mom founder who has not had to be resilient and do things in the worst possible times in order to keep her business afloat or her family healthy and well. And that is why you are so capable of putting more on your plate because chances are there might be things on your plate that you could take off. So second filter, is there a better way? 

00:18:41 Melissa: Here&#;s the third filter. And this one for me has to do with the specific opportunity or offer that passes your desk. So is it transferable? This idea of looking at opportunities and your experiences as transferable is so a hack because it&#;s optimizing your time. Let&#;s imagine that there&#;s this amazing opportunity to learn how to tell stories. And it happens to be at the Magnet Theatre in New York City with a 20 time moth story champion. That was the opportunity I had to consider at a time when I was living in Fancy Town, Connecticut. 

00:19:25 Melissa: So this was in New York City and I was in Connecticut. When did it occur? Sunday, Sunday evenings. Do you think for a second that as a mom, it would have been even expected of me to go on the Metro North, go on the train on a Sunday to the city and learn how to tell stories? Like, is that even an expectation? It wasn&#;t. However, I saw the opportunity and I seized the opportunity. And if it was Sunday night, so be it. It was, and I was there and I completed it. That is also in my book, Fertile Imagination. And it was a transferable skill, storytelling. I&#;m doing it right now. I just told you a story. 

00:20:05 Melissa: On top of that, when I teach my clients about networking, relationship building, making connections with people who are able to support or fund your idea or to help you in terms of a strategic partnership or give you some media attention, that is so transferable. Honestly, I have used the same skill of networking, of figuring out relationships and figuring out how to give value and get value. Two ways, it&#;s a two way street. I have done this forever in every category of my life. Whether it is understanding a school district that I am brand new to, or it is establishing myself in a entrepreneurial community in a new country or state, it is transferable. Networking is so transferable and it is not going away and it is how deals are done. 

00:21:02 Melissa: So when it comes to the third filter, like, let&#;s say, okay, I have a lot on my plate. How am I gonna determine if this new opportunity is worthy of me re-looking at what&#;s on my plate? This is it, is it transferable? So I did this when I was living in Australia. And here&#;s the context. As I was living in Australia with my family, the time zone situation was not advantageous in terms of what was going on from a US perspective. So if there was a training session, it was always US time zones, right? If there was anything going on, like a live summit, US time zones. 

00:21:36 Melissa: That meant that maybe I had to wake up at 3 AM in Australia. Maybe I had to wake up, you know, stay up till midnight. I am not a night person. Or maybe I have to interview someone at 2 AM like I did Suzy Batiz, who is also on this podcast. And at the end of the day, it&#;s like, okay, well, I want that opportunity. I want that opportunity, why? Because I will get to learn a skill that is transferable. So Bozoma Saint John, the CMO of Netflix was doing a workshop, brand new, badass workshop. And I had the opportunity to participate in these workshops. 

00:22:14 Melissa: Here&#;s the thing, it was the first time she was doing it. I had no idea it would be the right time or the right method in terms of what I needed to actually do and how much effort I needed to put. But because I knew she was doing it, because I knew that being part of that conversation would help me when it comes to helping, like a mom founder who wants to do business with Netflix as an example, or a mom founder who wants to learn the art of being totally authentic and totally yourself, that it was worth it for me and it was transferable, right? 

00:22:47 Melissa: So she was teaching about leadership skills, about confidence building, about being your so genuine self. That was transferable. So that&#;s the third point. If you want to consider whether an opportunity that has a timestamp is right for you and worthy of being on your plate, I definitely look at whether something that I&#;m gonna learn or pick up is transferable. And for me, it was totally, totally true. 

00:23:10 Melissa: So here&#;s what I know. I know that you&#;re going to have a lot on your plate. This is not going to change. And I also know that there&#;s gonna be opportunities that are gonna come your way, that the timing is not gonna feel perfect. But let me end with this. I will say that, you know, really thinking about these opportunities, they&#;re worthy because you&#;re worthy and that business idea that you&#;re putting out into the world, the mission that is on your heart to lead and leave an impact in the universe is worth re-looking at what is on your plate. 

00:23:45 Melissa: So I hope that those three ideas will serve you and will help you the next time an opportunity passes your desk and you want to make a decision that is right for you and your family, not just looking at it through the lens of what&#;s on my calendar and what did I just go through right now, but looking at where do I wanna go and what do I wanna show my kids is possible? How can I use my capability, which is constant, right? Was it capability? Yes, it was, capability. 

00:24:13 Melissa: Back to the Tony Robbins magnet. How can I use it? Because it&#;s constant. And who do I think I am? I&#;m a mom founder who&#;s a visionary and I have an idea that has a timestamp and it&#;s just as worthy as anyone else&#;s business idea. So I wanna be sure that you are totally connected and that you and I keep having a conversation. So I have an idea for you that I want you to jump on. Here&#;s your opportunity and it is totally, totally free, but it is one that does have a timestamp. 

00:24:46 Melissa: Right now, as you&#;re listening to this conversation or watching me on YouTube, I wanna invite you to join my newsletter. It is so easy to do so, but you&#;ve got to join the newsletter in the next seven days. Here is why. I am going to do a raffle. So if you go to my website, fertileideas.com. So just head on over to fertileideas.com. It is going to be in the show notes. It is going to be in the YouTube description right at the bottom. And you can sign up for anything on that page that really strikes your fancy. You will then be entered into a drawing to be a guest on this podcast as long as, as long as you sign up on fertileideas.com within the next six days. 

00:25:36 Melissa: So what does that mean? That means that next Tuesday, I&#;m going to announce the winner, who gets to be a guest on Mom Founder Imagination Hub. There have been some incredible humans on this podcast. Beth Comstock, former CMO of GE, Suzy Batiz, I mentioned earlier, so many amazing people, Zibby Owens, New York Times bestseller. I mean, there&#;s humans on this podcast that you&#;re gonna get to say, I was on the same podcast as them. And I wanna give you so much visibility. I wanna be sure that you are on the right channels, that you are everywhere you need to be and that the right people hear you. 

00:26:17 Melissa: So if you&#;re a mom founder and you have never been on my podcast before, you are eligible. If you are a mom and your kids are out of the house and grown, you are eligible. If you are a founder, co-founder, entrepreneur or small business owner, you are eligible, but you&#;ve got to do it within the next six days so that this way on Tuesday, you are announced as the winner. I am so excited. So just go to fertileideas.com. Fertileideas.com. So imagine that. Imagine. 

00:26:55 Melissa: Right now, here I am, you know, having this conversation with you, Miss Mom Founder, and I know that other things are coming up, and I&#;m only sharing these experiences and moments with my newsletter community. For example, I will be having some live meditation sessions for free. So again, if you feel like you have a lot on your plate, you&#;re invited to attend that, but you will only hear about the Zoom details and the date if you are in my newsletter. 

00:27:25 Melissa: And again, if you are interested in really, you know, making sure that you are so ready to network, to build relationships so that you could hit the ground running in the fall, again, I offer updates and information as it relates to what&#;s working in terms of building relationships versus what&#;s no longer working. And I think that is something that happens so real time. And I love sharing that information with my newsletter community. 

00:27:55 Melissa: So just go to fertileideas.com. I welcome you there. I am so thrilled that you listened to this conversation. And again, this is a huge opportunity. You get to absolutely sign up for my newsletter any way you go. So there&#;s a quiz that you could actually just sign up there or you could get my networking playbook, you could sign up in that way, or you can sign up for a 30 minute free consultation, you could sign up that way. 

00:28:23 Melissa: So anyway you slice it, get in my community within the next six days, and you will be entered into a raffle or a drawing where I&#;m going to pick one mom founder to feature on Mom Founder Imagination Hub. So run, don&#;t walk. Or skip and dance your way to that URL. So fertileideas.com. And if you wanna enter, and for some reason, you want my help in terms of making sure that you&#;re in that raffle and you&#;re a mom founder, go ahead and reach out to me. You&#;ll see all of the ways to reach out to me in the show notes or in the description below. 

00:29:07 Melissa: So I am thrilled to have had this episode for you because I think it is so urgent. There&#;s so many things that just pass our way and I don&#;t want you to miss out on opportunity that will never come again. So this is intended to help you have a filter that has worked for me and has worked for my clients as it relates to seizing opportunities and making sure that your plate has the right things on it.

00:29:33 Melissa: And so with that, I will leave you until next Tuesday. We will have a guest on the episode. And we will also announce the winner of who gets to be on this podcast as long as you subscribed to the newsletter. So you must be a new subscriber, a mom, a founder. And you must have not already been a guest on this show. 

00:29:55 Melissa: Thank you again. Be sure that you follow me in terms of the podcast itself. There&#;s an official button that you could just click and you will make my day. I will shout hooray. But then also here on YouTube, you can just subscribe to the channel so that this way you get instant updates. Thank you so much. And until next time, signing off, Melissa Llarena.

5 Reasons Why Your Company Needs a Uniform

No matter you industry, a good-looking uniform will work wonders for your business. The uniform is a key part of a customers first impression of your business, and first impressions last. Take Apple for example, a well-known brand that subconsciously encourages you to remember them. Now, close your eyes and imagine you&#;re inside an Apple store. You can just envision the sea of blue shirts, can&#;t you? This is the effect a well-designed uniform can do for you.

We also can&#;t overlook the health and safety benefits of uniforms. Say you are working in a high-risk environment; High vis is a crucial element in your business&#;s uniform.

Whether you&#;re considering a brand refresh, enhancing your brand identity, or just want to reinforce those perceptions consumers have of your brand, a new uniform is a great way to achieve all these. Check out these five reasons your company needs a new uniform. 

1. Promotes your brand

Uniforms are essentially a form of free advertising. Your employees wear them around the workplace and are seen by customers and clients, leaving a lasting impression. Uniforms can also be a point of differentiation within the industry. Helping to distinguish your brand from competitors will encourage consumers to choose your product/service. 

2. Sense of belonging

Introducing a staff uniform program will help your employees feel like a team. Fitting into a team is known to have a positive effect on belongingness and productivity. Encouraging everyone to work as a team by wearing the same uniform can also increase workplace happiness.

3. Safety

If you own a business that has high-risk levels of your staff being injured it's imperative to introduce High vis uniforms into your program. It&#;s proven that wearing High vis in a dangerous workplace will significantly reduce the risk of your employees being harmed, making sure they all make it home at the end of the day. High vis clothing works by applying fluorescent colours that emit light which is extremely visible to the human eye.

4. Improves the customer experience

There&#;s nothing worse than wandering into a store with a purchase in mind then being unable to spot the employees because they are either not wearing a uniform, or wearing one that doesn't effectively distinguish them. Having a uniform in a customer facing environments especially will eliminate this issue and boost the experience your customers have when on your premises.

5. Employee Benefits

Introducing a staff uniform program will help your employees feel like a team. Fitting into a team is known to have a positive effect on belongingness and productivity. When your staff wakes up in the morning, they won&#;t have to spend time thinking about what they&#;re going to wear (I know I do). This means your staff can sleep in that extra 10 minutes and come into work feeling extra refreshed. They will also pay less for work clothing as they are provided by the company.

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