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Shredders, Grinders and Shredder Systems for Recycling

Author: Molly

Jun. 17, 2024

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Shredders, Grinders and Shredder Systems for Recycling

Industrial shredders vary in many ways, according to the function they perform. The internal mechanical processes may include cutting, grinding, hammering and compression. Many shredders also incorporate shaking/sorting mechanisms. Internal machinery may travel in rotary, lateral or vertical directions. Speeds of the internal processes also vary widely, to suit the materials the machines will be handling. Shredders can be partially categorized by the type of process or processes they employ. 

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Grinders use abrasion, often combined with compression to pulverize materials, usually to produce granular products. Wheels, drums and plates may be used in the processes. These may be either high or low speed machines, according to the type of material they are intended for.  


Chippers normally use high speed rotary knives to reduce materials to flakes or chips. They can be manually or automatically fed, and may be single or multiple stage machines. They may also employ single or multiple drums or wheels with single or multiple knives. 


Granulators are employed mostly for plastic recycling from production processes like injection molding. These units use knives, rather than abrasive surfaces to reduce parts or trimmings, etc. to fine particles that can them be reused easily in the production lines. Some granulators are equipped with thermoforming units that form the output into easily handled scrap or production parts. Granulators vary widely in size and mechanics according to the type of industry, types of materials handled, and the location in which they will be used. 


Hammermills are used to shatter or pulverize materials. The most common configuration is a chamber containing a rotary drum with swiveling hammers of hardened bar or chain. The chamber is typically gravity-fed, and output screens control the size of particle produced. Hammer material, configuration and distribution, and rotation speed are a few of the factors that determine the type of material that can be processed. 

Shear Shredders

Shear Shredders employ rotary cutters or guillotine-style knives to cut materials rather than pulverizing, chipping or grinding. Shears can be found in many different configurations for different industries. Feed types, speeds and type and number of knives differ according to the applications. 

Specialty Shredders

Specialty Shredders that are designed for a particular type of material may utilize combinations of the above processes or unique devices developed especially for that material. Tire shredders, for instance, typically use one or more rotary shafts or screws, with interlocking lugs, cams, teeth or blades. The feed is configured to force the tires between the shafts or the shaft and machine surfaces, where the lugs, etc. forcefully tear the tire into small pieces. The shafts are generally rotated at low speeds, under very high torque. 

Other special purpose applications present challenges that require unique design features in shredding equipment. Shredders for safe disposal of medical refuse require extremely close tolerances, to render sharps, tape and other small waste products into particles too small to be recognized. Medical waste shredders usually employ rotary grinders to ensure this. Since medical waste is usually sterilized before destruction, these machines often need to incorporate a method for dealing with liquids. 

Secure, high technology applications often require the destruction of waste within a clean room. This requires special filtering and dust traps to maintain the dust-free environment. 

Fibrous waste and thin sheet goods such as plastic films may present problems for conventional shredders. Specialized shredders are available for reconstitution and recycling of both these types of material. 

&#;All-Purpose&#; Shredders

'All Purpose' Shredders are the heart of major demolition operations and many municipal recycling programs. The machinery usually consists of large, very low speed, high-torque shafts or drums with carbide cams or studs, sometimes equipped with hydraulic rams to assist with the feed. Many of these shredders are capable of reducing entire refrigerators, cars, or other oversized equipment to small pieces in a single pass. They are most often combined with external systems that remove hazardous liquids, gases or solids, sort metals from other materials and otherwise prepare the shredded material for disposal and/or reuse. 

Shredder Advantages 

As mentioned briefly above, there may be great advantages to using shredders within your business operations or community. While some advantages will be readily apparent, others may require some explanation. Industrial shredders are helping companies and communities address issues from economics to protecting the environment on many fronts.

Fiscal Advantages

 In today&#;s economic climate, businesses and communities are pressed to find new ways to cut costs and increase revenues. Shredders may provide new strategic options to help relieve financial pressures and may offer the opportunity to produce new income streams. Let&#;s look at some examples: 

Production waste recovery

Any manufacturing process produces a finite amount of waste. While most companies adopt practices or modifications that minimize this waste, the small amount of raw material that&#;s lost in processes like molding, punching, casting or trimming is often considered to be a necessary loss. Modern shredder technologies, however, may provide a way to recover most of that loss.

For instance, in an injection molding process, if only 2% of the injected plastic is trimmed in cleaning up the product and a production line uses 2lbs. of styrene for each product, that translates to 0.64oz. of plastic per product. At first glance, this may seem to be an acceptable loss. However, in an operation that produces 3,000 products per day:

.64 X 3,000 = 1,920oz. / 16 = 120lbs. of raw material lost per day
120 / 2lbs. per product = 60 products lost per day 

While this example may not be accurate for a given business, it nevertheless provides a basis for examining the feasibility of recovering lost material. Multiply the number of lost products per day by the net profit per product and it may be easy to justify a means to recover the waste.

In this example, the manufacturing company may benefit from the installation of a granulator or granulators within the molding shop. Modern granulators can be installed in-line or centrally, to facilitate the best solution for a given location. Recovered material can then be fed directly back into the process or used to provide the raw material for other processes, such as thermoformed parts. 

Saving recycling costs

Environmental impact is a major concern, so much so that many states have instituted laws that make recycling of many waste products mandatory for homes and businesses alike. Unfortunately, while most business owners are environmentally conscious and happy to comply with these regulations, the cost of recycling can often be a burden. Commercial recycling costs are rising at an astounding rate. With an estimated cost of $50 to over $150 per ton to commercially recycle most materials, cost effectiveness of an outside service may be hard to calculate.

Many companies are realizing cost savings by implementing their own recycling programs. In general, businesses create considerable amounts or recyclable waste in their operations, and the support of operations. From containers for raw materials to break room beverage containers, to packing materials, pallets and more, recyclables creep into the workplace from several directions. By installing proper shredders for the types of material that pass through your business, the cost of disposal can be greatly reduced and perhaps eliminated. In many cases, recycling can offset operating costs through the re-use or sale of the shredded waste. This brings us to the next category: 

Generating new income streams

Industrial shredders may bring new revenue to business operations by the generation of new products or raw materials. These products or materials can be used within the processes of the business, used to create new product lines or marketed directly.

The lumber and building materials industry has come to make wide use of this concept. Culled pieces of wood that are unacceptable in board stock are chipped, combined with resins and pressed into wafer board, used extensively for sheathing, decking and floor underlayment in building construction. Even sawdust is collected and processed similarly to create particle board, a dense, relatively inexpensive sheet goods product with hundreds of building industry uses. 

Composite materials of recycled granulated plastic and wood fibers are being engineered with advantages over traditional lumber such as light weight, higher strength and mold/mildew resistance. Chipped, shredded or ground bark dust can be resold for landscaping. Chips not reused are resold to paper mills. Fine chips or sawdust are processed into pellets for wood stoves.

Not every industry will enjoy this many options for using waste materials, but these examples may provide the spark necessary to see how putting industrial shredders, chippers or grinders to work in your own operations might generate substantial extra income for your business. 

Reduction of community development costs

Today&#;s real estate developers and architectural companies make use of shredding equipment on building sites to provide many of the advantages we&#;ve mentioned above. The results are immediate savings in disposal of recyclable products, reuse of building materials as landscaping and fill products, and even the use of packing materials as efficient, low-cost insulation. For those waste products that still need to be recycled commercially, many recyclers offer substantial discounts for prepared scrap and some will purchase and collect processed scrap.

Many contractors and developers own portable shredding equipment and large, micro-community projects often allow builders to make use of permanently installed shredders. 

As with any investment for your business, purchasing shredding equipment deserves careful consideration. Costs for industrial shredding equipment can be substantial and careful analysis of cost versus benefits needs to be performed. In many cases, the financial rewards can offset or outweigh the costs, if the equipment is used to its full potential. 

Environmental Advantages

In today&#;s world, being &#;green&#; is ever-increasingly more important. Our impact on the environment individually, corporately and as a community weighs heavily on how we&#;re perceived by our clients, our friends and associates and the general public. Consumers in today&#;s market are more likely to deal with businesses that demonstrate environmental responsibility. New standards for cleaner community living have created new concerns for developers and municipalities. Federal, state and local governments offer incentive programs for energy efficiency and waste reduction. Industrial shredders play an important role in helping meet the challenges of becoming environmentally friendly. 

Fewer, cleaner landfills

Shredding provides easier handling of recyclable waste, thereby encouraging more consistent recycling. In many cases, shredded materials can be reused directly within the operations or communities that disposed of them, resulting in less overall waste output. By combining shredding equipment with hazardous waste disposal and recycling, the introduction of heavy metals, toxins and other hazardous materials into landfills is greatly reduced. 

For materials that are committed to landfills, shredding allows for greater compaction of non-bio-degradable components, creating a more stable fill and allowing disposal of more waste in less area. Most organic wastes can be composted and reused after shredding, eliminating thousands of tons of input to landfills per year and providing valuable resources for consumers. 

Preservation of natural resources

Shredding waste allows reuse of metals, reducing the need for new ore mining and helping preserve our natural resources as well as our landscapes. Scrap yards, metal fabrication shops and even the auto recycling industry use shredding equipment to provide mills with clean, recyclable metals in a form that&#;s easy to transport and incorporate into their smelting processes. 

Processing of waste lumber for engineered and composite materials saves our forests. Incorporation of granulated plastics helps extend the useful life of composite building materials, reducing the need to produce more lumber. This also contributes to a reduction in the use of sawmill kilns, and the fuel they consume. 

Reduction of emissions

Industrial shredding of waste provides opportunities to lower greenhouse gases and toxic emissions on several fronts, some of which may not be immediately obvious. 

As an example, in the past, it was a common practice to burn tires at dump sites before burying the leftover sludge and slag in landfills. Burning vulcanized rubber produces acrid, toxic smoke that drifts for miles and carries fallout pollutants that return to the soil and the water supply. With the introduction of tire shredders, used tires can be recycled as useful products without harmful effects. 

Landfill methane is among the most common greenhouse gases. U.S. landfills have been estimated to pour as much as 450-650 billion cubic feet of methane per year into the atmosphere. By incorporating recycling programs aided by the use of shredding equipment, we can reduce the amount of organic waste producing those methane levels.

Wood smoke is a major contributor to pollution levels in metropolitan areas around the world. By using shredders to convert waste wood products into pellets and briquettes, cleaner burning, more efficient fuels are created for wood stoves and fireplaces, thus reducing the amount of wood smoke introduced into the atmosphere. 

Mining and ore smelting operations are also major contributors to air pollution, through the burning of fossil fuels in their operations and support equipment. By recovering shredded metals for recycling, we lower the emissions produced by mills and mining operations.

One less obvious reduction in emissions is through reduced transportation requirements. As companies adopt in-house recycling programs, many shredded materials are reused in their own processes, sold, or reduced to a much more manageable size for easy packaging or hauling. Eliminating the need to transport some waste and reducing the bulk of hauled waste means less fuel burned by trucks, trains, planes and ships to move those materials. By recycling waste products, fuel consumption in the manufacture and shipping of new products is also reduced.

Shredding Machines: Types, Applications, Advantages ...

Shredding Machines: Types, Applications, Advantages, and Standards

Shredding Machines


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This article will take an in-depth look at shredding machines.

The article will bring more detail on topics such as:

Principle of Shredding Machines

Types of Shredding Machines

Applications, Advantages and Standards of Shredding Machines

And much more...

Chapter 1: Principle of Shredding Machines

This chapter will discuss what shredding machines are, their design, construction, and how they function.

What is a Shredding Machine?

A shredding machine is equipment utilized for shredding. Shredding machines are used to reduce the size of materials. While most online sources define the shredding machine as "equipment used to shred documents as a privacy measure to avoid identity theft," shredding machines can be of many forms depending on the material being shredded.


There are shredding machines designed to handle material shredding across a span of recycling uses, including recycling plastic, recycling scrap metal, e-waste, recycling wood, and tire-shredding or recycling.

The shredding operation produces raw materials to be re-introduced into manufacturing, as well as complete products like landscape mulch. Many terminologies are utilized to describe size reduction machines, including grinders, granulators, chippers, and hammer mills. Overall, their main purpose is to reduce the size of a given material.

The Construction of Shredding Machines

The design and construction of shredding machines involves:

Equipment Components

Shredding machines consist of feed shafts (for industrial applications), a feed zone into which materials are placed, crushing gears or slicing blades, a motor to spin the blades, and a chute (also for industrial) which transports the materials onto a conveyor for more handling or into a container for disposal.


Most shredding machines have screens to catch reduced material that is too big for the finished products. For thoroughness, the caught material is put back through the shredding machine as many times as possible until it is broken down to size.

Shredding Machine Design and Customization

When designing a shredding machine, a number of factors are taken into consideration, including the material to be shredded, the volume of material to be shredded, the area in which the shredder will operate (on a farm, in an office, outdoors, indoors, etc.), the available space set apart for the machine, the frequency at which the shredding machine will be utilized, and client budget.

Cutter Geometry

The size and shape of hooks on cutters differ according to the kind of material they are required to grab. Commonly, the bigger the hook, the more material can be grabbed. With some materials, this will improve the rate of production. But it is imperative that the hooks grab no more than the shredding machine can shred at a time, or else there will be regular redos and slowing down of production. Many shredding blades are made of tool steel and carburizing steel, but other applications use molybdenum, chromium, and manganese low alloy steels.


Shaft Geometry

Shaft design consists mainly of the calculation of the proper shaft diameter to ascertain satisfactory rigidity and strength while the shaft is conveying power under different loading and operating conditions.

The material utilized for the shaft must have the following characteristics:

It must have high strength.

It must have decent machinability.

It must have decent heat treatment characteristics.

It must have high wearing resistance properties.

Carbon steel is primarily utilized for the shaft, but when high strength is needed, alloy steel like nickel-chromium, nickel, or chrome-vanadium is used.

Electric or Hydraulic Drive

Electric Drives &#; This is the system that rotates the blades; it varies in size depending on the type of shredding machine. It may be DC in small shredders like paper shredders to 3 phase AC induction motors in metal shredders. Commonly, electric shredding machines require less space, are simpler to use and maintain, and are much more energy-efficient than hydraulic shredders. They are also cost-effective. Electric shredding machines are proper and adequately powered for processing many materials.


Hydraulic Drives &#; They perform the same job as electric drives. Hydraulic drives are at times better for more heavy-duty reduction like in tire shredding. They are also better for reducing materials that undergo frequent overloading from batch feeding. As a result, they are only found in industrial shredders. Hydraulic drives also provide better shock load protection from unshreddables.

Situations in which a hydraulic drive system is appropriate:

Batch fed materials

Feed including unknown or unsorted materials

Materials that are exceedingly difficult to shred

Process needing stricter particle size control

System has to meter shredded pieces to downstream equipment

System needing regular starts and stops

Shredder needing a lower voltage start or soft start

Depending on the application, a shredding machine&#;s design might be small, hand-feedable, and placed in an office or home, or it might occupy a commercial shredding plant, shredding thousands of kilograms of material by the hour.

How a Shredding Machine Functions

There are three ways to shred discussed below:

Shearing Material in Shredding Machines

Shearing includes the actual cutting of materials. As with scissors, the efficiency of shearing is dependent on the sharpness of cutting edges operating against each other and the tolerance of space between them. Technology like ACLS and annealed alloys maintain this sharpness and tolerance, ensuring clean cuts even after a long working time.

Tearing Material in Shredding Machines

Tearing includes pulling the materials with such a force that they come apart. Some materials such as fabric, soft metals, tires, and plastics are more tearable than others. Purpose-built tearing reducers are great for shredding mixed waste material where small, constant particle size is not prioritized.

Fracturing Material In Shredding Machines

Some items are brittle, such as hard plastics, glass, and particular metals, and tend to be shattered or broken in a shredding machine when the cutters are loose or not sharp. Unlike with tearing, if something breaks it releases explosive energy and at times may even propel the shards into nearby personnel. Eye protection must always be worn.

Optimum Shredding Action

All three actions&#;tearing, shearing, and fracturing&#;are available when a shredding machine is being used. However, when cutters are kept finely sharp and tolerances are tight, the main and most efficient shredding action is shearing.

Material Types Shredded

Each kind of material is best shredded by a certain kind and setting of the shredder. Different items have individual physical properties that determine how they react to the shredding process.

Ductile Material &#; Ductile material is not fractured easily but is apt to tear into long strips. They are best shredded by shearing to guarantee small particle size. Examples are paper, cloth, soft plastics, rubber, soft metals, or cardboard.

Friable Materials &#; This is material that is easily fractured (the opposite of ductile material) or broken into shards. Examples are glass, stone, cast metals, wood, or hard plastics. Shredded friable material is apt to come out as small parts rather than long strips.

Considerations When Choosing a Shredding Machine

Some of the considerations when choosing a shredding machine include:

Type of Material to be Shredded

Different kinds of shredders excel at shredding specific materials. A tree branch is typically shredded utilizing a high-speed chipper. Plastics are frequently shredded in a granulator (spinning knife blade), but big plastic shapes are at times put through a shredding machine as a first step before granulating. When organizing to shred cars, this kind of application is generally done using a hammer mill. Though shredding a variety of waste products may need adaptability with a less amount of dust and noise, then a twin-shaft shredding machine may be the optimal solution.

Desired Output

Understanding the size of output requirement will aid in determining the kind of equipment to install. Some companies require the items to be separated, while others may require shredding once again and grinding. A single-pass shredding machine will cost less but if the items need to be shredded to a very minuscule size and compressed then compaction machinery may be required.

Shredder Capacity

Choosing an industrial shredding machine to cater to the correct capacity is vital to the success of every installation. Capacity is generally expressed in kilograms per hour and is alluded to by the physical dimensions, weight (matter density), and amount to be shredded. The capacity might be restricted by the shredding chamber size.

Carefully check the capacity rating before procuring the machine and allowing for some extra capacity. Using a shredding machine with a maximum capacity very close to the required capacity may lead to short service life. However, oversizing a shredding machine by a huge margin may lead to excessive power usage and take up a lot of floor space.

Feed Type

Two simple feed types are common: automatic and manual. Manually fed shredding machines usually feature a hopper and function by either hand-feeding the items or utilizing a forklift to load the items in. Automatic conveyors or feeders help optimize shredding machine performance by supplying a regular and constant supply of items to the shredder.

Operational Considerations

Safety, portability, and noise are concerns when choosing a shredding machine. A suitable location for a shredder must be selected because it is not simple to move machinery weighing close to a ton or more. Depending on the items, dust and other airborne debris may be an environmental danger. Noise is another aspect to consider since some shredding machines (like hammer-mills) make more noise than others.

Shredder Maintenance and Repairs

Shredders undergo a great deal of strain, and maintaining them is necessary to keep them operating efficiently. Cutters, hammers, or blades will wear out under normal usage and need adjusting, sharpening, or eventually replacing. Repairs, maintenance, and ease of acquiring replacement parts must be considered when choosing a manufacturer. Access location for maintenance must always be evaluated when figuring out where to place any equipment including a shredding machine.

Chapter 2: Types of Shredding Machines

The different types of shredding machines include:

Cardboard Shredder

A cardboard shredding machine is an industrial or commercial recycling machine that instantly recycles and repurposes cardboard waste material into packaging material. These cardboard shredding machines can make cushioning netting, chips, flat netting, or strips.

A cardboard shredding machine operates almost like a paper shredding machine for discarded cardboard boxes. The machine upgrades cardboard waste material into eco-friendly and high-quality cardboard void fill material, like strips, chips or netting, or packaging material. Cardboard shredding machines are user-friendly, very simple to operate, and safe to use. The machine is switched on using a switch. A piece of cardboard is grabbed and fed via the shredding machine&#;s front opening. The converted cardboard is dropped out of the back of the shredder.


With a cardboard shredding machine, cardboard waste is quickly converted into packaging material. This cardboard is eco-friendly and saves on waste-carrying expenses and the need for purchasing packing materials. A cardboard shredding machine produces void fill materials in different sizes and shapes to protect goods in transportation while at the same time reconstructing and reusing cardboard waste material in an environmentally friendly way.

Paper Shredder

A paper shredding machine is electronic equipment used to shred (usually sensitive or confidential) paper documents into indecipherable particles. The shredding machine shreds documents using a set of spinning cutting blades spun by an electric motor.

The size of the output pieces depends on the kind of paper shredding machine. Shredding machines are categorized into strip cut, cross cut, and micro-cut shredders. A shredding machine can turn documents into tiny paper shreds or long strips as tiny as confetti. The output of paper shredding machines is covered in the authorized security levels of DIN .


Not all paper shredding machines produce the same cut. In other words, this means not every shredding machine makes the same particle size. That is why paper shredding machines are categorized into three types to distinguish them from each other:

Strip Cut

A strip cut (also known as ribbon cut, straight cut or spaghetti cut) shredding machine is a simple paper shredder for reducing non-confidential documents. It reduces paper vertically in narrow long strips that are fairly readable.

This type of shredding machine has the advantage that it can shred easily and quickly because of the individual cutting mechanism.

The drawback of a strip cutting shredding machine is that it offers less data protection compared to a cross cut or micro-cut paper shredder. The characteristics of strip cutting are:

Low security level

Use for non-sensitive documents

Spaghetti-like narrow long vertical paper strips

Vertical cuts only

Approximately 39 strips per size A4 shredded document

Security level: DIN P-2, DIN P-1

Cross Cut Shredder

A cross cut (or confetti cut or diamond cut) shredding machine is a paper shredder for reducing confidential documents. It reduces paper diagonally from two corners into short pieces that are barely readable. The P-4 or P-3 security level of cross cut shredding machines gives them the ideal security level for eliminating personal sensitive information or general private documents in the workplace. Its characteristics include:

Medium security level

Use for shredding confidential documents

Narrow and short paper shreds

Diagonal cuts from two corners

Approximately 400 pieces per shredded size A4 document

Security level: DIN P-4*, DIN P-3

Micro Cut Shredder

A micro cut, particle cut, or security cut shredding machine is an advanced paper shredder for reducing highly confidential documents. It reduces paper diagonally from two corners into square shaped pieces that are almost unreadable. Its characteristics include:

High security level

Use for shredding highly confidential documents

Small square shaped paper particles

Diagonal cuts from two corners

Approximately 3,700 pieces per shredded size A4 document

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Security level DIN P-5* or more

A plastic shredding machine is equipment used to reduce plastic into tiny pieces for granulation. Unlike plastic granulators, shredding machines are designed particularly for large plastic waste, such as car bumpers, drums, pipes, and other products too big for granulators.


In the operation, big plastic products are fed into the shredding machines. Moving at slower speeds than granulators, blades break the plastic apart into smaller chunks. These particles are then collected, cleaned, and treated in cleansing and recycling plants prior to being granulated and delivered to manufacturers.

This machine offers several advantages in addition to reducing plastics that are utilized as raw materials for other products such as storage containers, packaging bags, toys, and consumer electronics. The different applications of plastic shredding machines include the plastic industry, catering industry, laboratories, manufacturing units, pharmaceutical companies, biomedical waste management plants, food processing facilities, nursing homes, cardboard manufacturing units, healthcare facilities, and supermarkets.

Hard Drive Shredder

Hard drives are full of confidential data, from financial information and customers&#; social security numbers to nuclear weapon plans. Hard drive shredding is a generally used method to physically destroy a hard drive. A hard drive shredder crushes the hard drive so that criminals will be less motivated to try to retrieve the data stored on the shredded remains, but it doesn&#;t destroy it. Shredding a hard drive is inadequate for present day technology; an up-to-date hard drive keeps 600 000 data pages on a 2 mm wide shred particle. That is a particle tinier than a grain of rice!


A common fallacy is that shredding media makes the data unrecoverable. However, physically destroying or shredding the media does not eliminate data from the disk platters since data is stored magnetically. Data is recoverable from larger particles of a shredded drive with the usage of tools and applications available on the Internet. Even smaller particles of shredded hard drive can be read with the usage of magnetic force microscopes.

Tire Shredders

Tire shredders are shredding machines that are capable of reducing tires into a constant particle size. This type of shredder can also be utilized for a wide range of materials such as aluminum, plastics, paper, and cables. The tire shredding is capable of reducing tires and hence making recycling of tires easier. The end result, the tire waste, may often be sold.


Chipper Shredder

A chipper shredder, also called a wood chipper, shreds twigs, branches, and leaves into compost and mulch material, helping in keeping landscapes looking their best. Chipper shredders vary from light duty electric equipment to heavy-duty gasoline-powered machines that can chop branches more than a few inches in diameter.


A chipper shredder features a chute that receives branches for chipping. A spinning blade or array of blades chops them down into wood chips. The shredding mechanism handles small debris, such as grass and leaves. As material is being fed into the shredding machine hopper, it is shred by a separate array of hinged blades also known as hammers or flails. Some bigger shredding machines can manage small twigs. Once the machine shreds or chips the debris, the reduced material is discharged into a collection bag or onto the ground.

The shredder hopper and the chipper chute help separate a user from the shredding and chipping mechanisms. Some models come with a tamper or paddle to feed debris so that hands are kept clear of the machine.


Metal shredders are equipment utilized for reducing a wide range of scrap metal. They are often used in metal recycling applications and scrapyards to shred the waste into consistent shapes and dimensions for disassembly and further processing.

They come in many sizes, from small shredders capable of reducing coins and tin cans to large models which can work at 10,000HP and shred up to 4,000 tons of metal a day. These bigger machines shred products such as automobiles as a step of the end-of-life car recycling process, big drums, and almost every other kind of scrap metal.

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Chapter 3: Applications, Advantages and Standards of Shredding Machines

This chapter will discuss the applications, benefits and standards applied in shredding machines.

Applications of Shredding Machines

Some industrial applications for shredding solids include the reducing of foods, pharmaceuticals, pallets, rubber, steel, furniture, plastic drums, construction debris, containers, tires, corrugated boxes, labels, packaging, and other big materials. Industrial shredding machines are also utilized for the reduction of documents, x-rays, media like hard disk drives, and other electronic devices to safeguard the privacy of individual people and corporate information.

Municipal applications involve recycling centers and smaller shredding machines with many cutting teeth for thorough reduction for usage in wastewater treatment plants. The recycling business has found a lot of uses for shredding machines like shredding tires for recovering rubber. These recycled rubbers are found in various products and applications including hot melt asphalt, playgrounds, basketball courts, and shoe products.

The rubber is also used in civil engineering applications for backfilling, the partial-grade insulation of roads and for energy as "Tire Derived Fuel". Scrap wood is reduced for recycling and utilized for the manufacturing of many kinds of wood products like particle paper and board. Plastic bottles are shredded and recycled into polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic pieces for the manufacture of new bottles. Recycling or reutilizing all of these items through shredding minimizes environmental waste, maximizes corporate profitability, and minimizes carbon emissions.

Shredding machines play a crucial role in a lot of applications including recycling, manufacturing, solid waste reduction, wastewater treatment, security, gas and oil production, the transportation and making of bio-solids, and more. Shredding provides a mass of advantages in addition to the obvious size reduction. Shredding machines are utilized for shredding materials that produce products or fuel, safeguarding business intelligence by eliminating confidential documents or products, recycling of products or waste materials, and reducing solids to make sure that other processes or equipment run smoothly. Corporations, municipalities and government agencies all employ shredders.

Advantages of Shredding Machines

Increase Security &#; The main advantage of a good shredding is the increase in information protection for a business. Modern businesses should work to guarantee that their sensitive data will not be exposed to the wrong parties. From both competitive and regulatory perspectives, it is crucial that businesses put their private data far from the access of unauthorized personnel. A good shredding machine can help do just that.

Reduce Waste Volume &#; By shredding documents and other media, the size of the waste output by a business is also reduced. This will make waste management much more efficient and can minimize the costs when waste removal is charged by volume.

Minimize Costs &#; Investing in a personal shredder will also bring abundant cost savings when paying individual third party suppliers to handle the shredding. Good quality shredding machines are becoming better and cheaper for any size of business. The long-term difference between a personal shredding machine and paying for shredding services is quite massive. Having a personal shredder on site also increases security, removing the need to send sensitive information out to be destroyed.

Increase Efficiency &#; Having a personal shredder can also greatly increase efficiency in a business. With a personal shredding machine, there is no need to wait for long durations between visits from dispatches to third-party or suppliers&#; individual shredding services. There will no longer be any need to manage, organize, and store documents and other items which are set to be shredded. With a personal shredding machine, documents and other types of sensitive data can be destroyed immediately.

These are some of the basic benefits which a shredding machine can bring to a business, but there are many more based on the type and scale of shredding machine selected.

Disadvantages of Shredding Machines

The following are some of the drawbacks associated with machine shredders:

There is risk of injury with rotating, sharp cutting blades. The injuries could be fatal with some types of shredders; for instance, metal shredders and chipper shredders.

Noise pollution is associated with tire and scrap metal shredders.

Operating a shredder takes time (and hence money). For paper shredders, the time cost is more noticeable when papers must be shred on a daily basis, taking up time for other tasks.

For hard drive shredders, the data is not destroyed. Even on particulate shreds, there are thousands of pages of information which can be recovered in labs.

Safety and Compliance Standards of Shredding Machines

To ensure operator safety, it is recommended that employers train their operating personnel in responsible shredding, loading and unloading. The best materials on safety standards and safe working areas are from OSHA. As a governmental division, OSHA is probably the most noteworthy work safety administration in a country. Customers must make sure that their manufacturer provides OSHA certified machines.

In addition, most industries such as metal recycling comply with OSHA regulations. So care must be taken to know what safety and compliance standards apply in an industry for their respective machine.

Industrial Shredders vs. Consumer Shredders

Based on the intent of use, shredding machines can be categorized as industrial shredders or consumer shredders. A paper shredding machine normally falls in the class of consumer shredder since it is mainly used by consumers.

Industrial shredders are generally heavy duty and high-volume machines utilized to reduce such recycling material streams as plastic, e-waste, wood, and paper. Industrial shredders are fitted with different types of cutting systems like horizontal shaft design, vertical shaft design, single shaft, two shaft, three shaft, and four shaft cutting systems.


There are various factors to consider before choosing a suitable shredding machine. Collecting all the important information to compare against the shredding machine specifications will aid in shortening the process of comparing the equipment to the requirements. For recycling, the necessary permits must be at hand. Seeking knowledge and advice from a trustworthy company is a great start, and asking for a demonstration using a sample will approve the shredding machine&#;s effectiveness. Visiting a manufacturer&#;s website to check the company&#;s background and going through some case studies to learn how other companies have used shredding machines to solve operating difficulties is also a good start. The last step of the equation is figuring out the budget. Keep in mind that some machines, though initially less expensive, can be inferior in quality and in actuality are costlier in the long term to use and maintain.

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Essential Types of Plastic Recycling Machines for Efficient Waste Management

Plastic Shredders

Shredders are employed in recycling for size reduction and volume reduction purposes. They are often used to break down large and bulky items into smaller, manageable pieces. Shredders use a tearing or shearing action, and they may have rotating blades or other mechanisms to shred materials into various sizes. While the resulting pieces may not be as uniform as those from granulators, shredders are effective in reducing the volume of materials.

There are a few main types of plastic shredders :

These have a single shaft with hammers or blades attached. The shaft rotates inside a screened chamber to shred the materials. They are relatively compact and inexpensive shredders suitable for low to moderate capacity recycling operations.


These utilize two parallel shafts with interleaving hammers or blades that grab, shear, and tear apart plastic fed between them. The dual shaft design provides more shredding power and throughput.


Plastic shredders and granulators for recycling and reintegrating scrap

LDPE film recycling with WEIMA shredder at RKW in Belgium

RKW produces a wide range of polyethylene films (LDPE films). At the Hoogstraten site in Belgium, the company has recently started using a WEIMA W5.18 single-shaft shredder and primarily shreds LDPE film waste from production as well as externally purchased film.

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Plastic Recycling, Inc. Transforms Plastic Purge with WEIMA Shredder

From the southeastern U.S. to the heartland of Indiana, Plastic Recycling, Inc. remains committed to their mission of recycling plastics and transforming them into something new and valuable. With the WEIMA shredder as their trusted partner, they&#;re writing a story of progress, resilience, and a better world for generations to come.

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Shredder quartet for Aufderhaar Kunststof Recycling in the Netherlands

For the processing of post-consumer waste (PE) and flower pots (PP), four large WEIMA shredders are used for secondary shredding at the Veolia Nederland subsidiary Aufderhaar Kunststof Recycling in Vroomshoop. The regranulate produced in this way is then reused for the production of packaging materials.

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doTERRA Utilizes WEIMA Shredder to Reduce Waste and Increase Profit

Utah-based essential oils and wellness company, doTERRA, is utilizing a WEIMA WL 6 single-shaft shredder to shred plastic barrels for further recycling! These sustainability efforts align with the company&#;s goals and increase profitability.

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Polymers Processors boost Australia&#;s plastic recycling capacities

With the help of a flagship WEIMA PowerLine single-shaft shredder, Polymer Processors in Melbourne has successfully commissioned stage one of their plant upgrade. This adds thousands of tons of plastic recycling capacity to Australia.

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Plastic Scrap Reimagined at EcoFib

EcoFib is a plastic recycler located in Drummondville, Canada. The company processes a variety of plastic scrap including post-industrial film waste, transforming it into plastic pellets that can be made into new products.

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The future needs experts &#; plastics recycling in Romania

The Romanian recycling business, Expert Recycling, uses a WKS single-shaft shredder from WEIMA for processing PET, PP, PS, PE, DHPE, and PELD material streams. With its help, the company produces high-quality regranulates, films, and waste bags.

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More autonomy through clothes hanger recycling: Plásticos Ojara in Colombia

More autonomy thanks to a WEIMA WLK 4 shredder: In the manufacturing of clothes hangers, the Colombian company Plásticos Ojara benefits from the advantages of internal recycling: Reduced purchase of raw materials, lower costs for intralogistics, lower disposal costs, cleaner store floor.

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Doubling Down on Plastics Recycling

Butler-MacDonald is a plastics recycling specialist which takes great pride in processing hard-to-handle plastic scrap from various sources, including post-industrial and post-consumer waste streams. The company recently commissioned its second WEIMA shredder!

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Pool Covers Without Waste

Closed Loop Production at Plastipack: A WEIMA four-shaft shredder and a granulator recycle inhouse plastic pool cover production scrap in England. Find out why it is surprisingly quiet in Plastipack&#;s shop.

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Pool Covers Without Waste

Wherever production takes place, residuals inevitably accrue. This is also the case at Plastipack Limited in the United Kingdom. The manufacturer of high-quality pool covers shreds and then recycles its plastic film waste in-house using a two-stage shredder from WEIMA &#; an excellent example of closed loop production.

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Ghost(net)buster in the Netherlands

Marcel Alberts has declared war on so-called Ghost Nets &#; left-over, floating fishing nets and ropes that pollute the world&#;s oceans. Using state-of-the-art technology for plastics recycling, the aim of his Dutch company Healix is to turn this linear waste into a product on site and create a circular economy. At the forefront of the process chain is a WEIMA W5.22 single-shaft shredder.

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Innovation Barn takes Charlotte Recycling Initiatives to the Next Level

Nestled in the North Davidson &#;NoDa&#; district of Charlotte, North Carolina, is a bright white building surrounded by outdoor social areas and rooftop gardens. From the outside, one might think it to be a hot spot for leisure, and it is. However, within the walls of the Innovation Barn, exciting, environmental, and educational programming takes place.

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Sustainable Composite Decking with Fiberon

Repurposing plastic waste where it&#;s created can provide a new income stream for businesses while eliminating the need to ship waste materials across the ocean. Fiberon has embraced this process, proving that being attentive to the environment does not always have to be a financial burden.

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Plastic Boxes, Round 2

The dream team of a WEIMA W5.14 shredder and New Herbold granulator get defective plastic boxes ready for the next job.

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Recycling is for the bin!

This is where the cycle begins. At the Swedish company Veolia Recycling Plastics Sweden AB, waste bins, HDPE pipes and other contaminated hard plastic waste are turned into new raw material with the help of a WEIMA PowerLine shredder and downstream wash line.

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Kayaks on the recycling wave

In Exeter, UK, Devon Contract Waste recycles a wide variety of hard plastics. This includes not-so-everyday items such as fuel tanks, kayaks and road cones. The central component of the recycling plant is a WEIMA WLK single-shaft shredder.

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A Second Life for Lifesavers

For over ten years, the owner-managed company Inoplast Kunststoff GmbH has specialized in the recycling of a wide range of&#;

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New for old &#; the film cycle

For a year now, the company is capable of producing its own PE granulate from film scrap by using the&#;

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Shredding at sea

The 368 m long and 40 m wide ship has been in operation since . A striking characteristic of the&#;

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PE-Recycling at its very best

Since the beginning of this year, production waste that accumulates has been shredded and recycled with a powerful 160 kW&#;

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WEIMA and Gamma Meccanica join forces in Plastics Recycling

One of those manufacturers is Gamma Meccanica. WEIMA and Gamma Meccanica have more than 50 years of combined innovation, experience,&#;

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Plastics Recycler Increases Capacity with WEIMA Shredder

A WEIMA WL(K) 15 shredder was installed at the front of the recycling line from the beginning. It wasn&#;t until&#;

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IBC container shredding in Manchester

Industrial Bulk Containers (IBCs) are used mainly in the chemical, food and pharmaceutics industries. Recon Packaging with over 35 years&#;

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From very big to very small

Graf Plastics GmbH, at its Teningen plant (fig. 1) manufactures its large-volume Carat underground tanks (fig. 2) for rainwater utilization.

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Energy from old carpets

The medium-sized family business in southern England can look back on 35 years of company history. It has always concentrated&#;

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